Any news on RD?

<p>We should be hearing soon based on last year's timing.</p>

<p>I’m also waiting. :slight_smile: I’m confused if the decision will be updated on the online portal (like Puget Sound and I’m sure other schools did) that was used to show what materials we had sent in. So far on the portal there’s no indication that admission results will be posted there :(</p>

<p>Yes, that Puget Sound system was great because everything was there at once. Sigh, we just wait…</p>

<p>Finally some sort of contact from L&C, haha:</p>

<p>“You can expect an email by Saturday, March 27th informing you of our decision. We’ll also be sending decisions by regular snail-mail that should reach you around April 1st.”</p>

<p>Got this in an email whose subject frightened me for a second: “News from Lewis & Clark”</p>

<p>Thanks Aerienne! At least I can stop hovering over the mailbox like a vulture for a few days.</p>

<p>My daughter received an email this afternoon saying applicants could expect a decision via email by March 27th.</p>

<p>Then, an hour or so later, she got an invitation to a lecture by a L & C prof that’s happening in our hometown (LA)</p>

<p>The wait is almost over!</p>

<p>Son received the same e-mail. I think it may have pushed him over the edge, he just does not want to wait anymore, I think he may commit to another school.</p>

<p>My son had the same reaction nepop. They would have to come in with a great offer to change his mind now. He is just so ready to stop thinking about all this.</p>

<p>I’m not sure even a great offer would change his mind at this point–would have to be really great. Son is calling adcon at other top choice with a few questions, but I think he is ready to send in his deposit. I know April 1 is the answer date, but L&C will be 2+ weeks later than other comparable schools. Son just wants to be done.</p>

<p>Hold tight everyone! The 27th is only a few days away! Many schools are notifying before their stated deadlines but I have a feeling that there are going to be a few holdouts for April 1st. For the month of April, enjoy your prospects, relish that now you might be the one in the position with the power of choice. Hang on for the ride.</p>

<p>jp0339 is correct. Aren’t the deadlines May1? So what is a few more days of waiting?</p>

<p>Kumitedad, is your D a senior or a junior? Because the seniors are really tired of waiting. It’s exhausting.</p>

<p>^^ If you find waiting exhausting, then stop. Breathe deeply and go do things. Personally, I find anticipation enjoyable, but it can certainly be carried too far ;-)</p>

<p>mamkin: D is a junior, but I have a S who is a college freshman now, so already went through this. I know its bad, but waiting for the right college is worth it.</p>

<p>You are of course, right!!! I used to think I was a very patient person, but I have had my doubts about myself lately.</p>

<p>Decisions will be out today by e-mail at 6PM PST!! I am so nervous!</p>