Any news on the Waitlist?

<p>I haven't heard anything from Michigan. Michigan seems pretty non-existent on the waitlist success stories thread...wondering if there's any activity. </p>

<p>I would think others are in the same position, considering Michigan tends to waitlist a lot of applicants..</p>

<p>Yea i'm in the same position as you, I don't think anyone has heard from them yet though. It seems they don't tell us for sure until sometime in June (from what i've read on their website and elsewhere)</p>

<p>their deadline to respond to the waitlist offer was only 5 days ago too......</p>

<p>Hopefully they take some off the waitlist this year eh? :[</p>

<p>I stand in the same shoes as you both. Let's hope some activity happens soon.</p>

<p>when you see last year postings, on May 17th, results were coming out
but this year, there is no answer yet. Hard to wait any more</p>

<p>From today's WSJ:</p>

<p>Elite</a> Colleges Reach Deeper Into Wait Lists -</p>

<p>This is off topic.......But I can't believe the University Of Wisconsin Madison are taking 800 students off there waitlist........</p>

<p>Michigan won't know if they are using they're waitlist....until next year.</p>

<p>until next year?</p>

<p>Wisconsin overenrolled last year, so they were pretty conservative in what they did this year. But yeah, 800 feels like a LOT to take.</p>

<p>^didnt wisconsin have some kind of computer issue this year that delayed decisions by a lot of time?</p>

<p>not sure..i might be wrong..</p>

<p>I have tried to find some info on the UW's sudden change but have come up empty. Baffling. None of the local papers have picked up on the story yet.</p>

<p>I'm sorry for that mistake, but they'll know next week.</p>

<p>Updated story on UW wait-list. Looks as if they only needed to fill about 250 slots and to do that they may make ofers to up to 800. A little confusing to say the least.</p>

<p>UW-Madison</a> admits wait-listed students (May 22, 2008)</p>

<p>Waitlist offers also have a yield as well since those taken off may not want to enroll</p>

<p>yea so one of my friends just received notice he got off the waitlist today, so i guess that means they're starting to take people off.</p>

<p>good luck to the rest of us! :p</p>

<p>Opi, did you mean one of your friends just got off the WL from UMich?</p>

<p>Hey waitlist is active , got in today for Aerospace engineering. Good luck to all other hopefuls!!</p>

<p>@ wing, yea i mean he got off the WL from Umich. sorry for not clarifying ;p</p>

<p>can anyone who got off the WL say how they notified you? did you just have to check wolverine access, or was their an email/letter?</p>

aamir19, are u one of the ppl in the highest priority waitlist?</p>

<p>For those who were accepted off the waitlist: Could you say how you were contacted, what waitlist you were on, and what state you live in?</p>

<p>Congrats, Aamir!</p>