<p>The jump from middle school to freshman year honor's courses was hard for me, but because of the challenge, I did fine. Freshman to sophomore year barely has any sort of gap, no 'excitement' for high school, no freshman FOBiness to get you through the day.</p>
<p>A lot of my peers are doing great, better than they ever have, while I'm barely working and pulling mediocre grades.
Any of you feel this 'slump'? Did the rigors of junior year AP-loads get you up again?</p>
<p>I had a Sophomore Slump. And a Freshman Slump. And a Middle School Slump. But not Elementary School, Junior, or Senior Slumps.</p>
<p>You can work through it, if you try. I wrote about some of it here: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/admissions-hindsight-lessons-learned/1099647-billymc-s-advice-future-applicants.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/admissions-hindsight-lessons-learned/1099647-billymc-s-advice-future-applicants.html</a></p>
The latter will not stop if the former does not stop first.</p>
<p>My GPA dipped but that was probably more because of my parents getting divorced than it being my sophomore year.</p>
<p>Well this year in general I just started out badly. I began my first semester with a couple B’s but fortunately I raised them all to A’s by the end. Right now I’m going through the same thing again, but my parents are pretty concerned for me, so they help me stay on track for raising my grades.</p>
<p>My gpa dipped slightly this year…
Well I guess it’s cause I’m taking harder classes.</p>
<p>I went from 3 honors classes and 7 A’s to 3 honors classes and 1 AP class to 2 B’s, 1 C and 5 A’s. Never overestimate yourself at course selection.</p>
<p>Oddly, sophomore year was my best year as far as grades go.</p>
<p>The higher up the classes get, the easier it gets for me. Everyone else seems to be struggling. Then again, my school is pathetic. I’m currently maintaining a cumulative 100.5% in APUSH atm.</p>
<p>Sophomore this year. Had sophomore slump from mid-November to today during 5th period when my teacher told me how I scared the accounting window lady when I purchased so many AP exams.</p>
<p>7 AP Exams…6 self-studying. I have to buckle down.</p>
<p>I had a Kindergarten-9th grade slump haha. But I’ve demolished some *****es, this year. High, dominant A’s in science and math and english and spanish, maintaining a 95 in AP World History after the Unit 3 (out of 5) test today.</p>
<p>I sort of had a sophomore slump? I went from a 3.9 to a 3.79 (I know, such horrible grades.) Still, I definitely had a lack of motivation in sophomore year and had trouble really doing work. I suggest you choose a college you really want to go to, somewhere hard to get into, and go on a visit to it. It’ll motivate you. When I went on visits during the spring break of my junior year, by work ethic transformed completely, and I really put my all in it to go above and beyond and do the best I could.</p>
<p>I had a bit of a sophomore slump, especially motivation-wise. I tried a lot less, but my classes happened to be easier (still all advanced classes though), so my GPA actually went up. I think it did have something to do with not having the excitement of being in high school, too early to really think about colleges, etc., so it was just kind of a blah year. Junior year is better; I still slack off a lot but I’m trying a lot harder than previous years, so hopefully my upward trend will look good.</p>
<p>Sophomore year is kind of sucking right now… we’ll see if junior year is any better.</p>
<p>offtopic: HONORLIONS, i always think your screen name says HORNYLIONS.</p>
<p>Sophomore year I had a 4.0 UW GPA. freshman year was 3.95 and idk what this one is. So soph year was my best in terms of grades. </p>
<p>I used to be SO into the college search last year. I couldn’t stop talking about it, it was so exciting. </p>
<p>I’ll start applying in a few months. I’ve narrowed down and finalized my list to 10 schools, and I’m happy with my decisions. It took a lot of maturing, too. </p>
<p>I’m excited now to get acceptances and choose the final school, but it’s a different excitement than before. Now, reality has sat in. I’m so close to graduating. With filling out apps and such, senior year will go by really fast (I’d like it to go by faster.)</p>
<p>Sophomore slump is dangerous (and I’ve never heard of it before.) I’ve wanted to get out of HS since the second day of frosh year. And THAT motivated me to do my work.</p>
<p>EDIT: had to correct frosh GPA.</p>
<p>The problem with sophomore year is this- there is nothing going on. </p>
<p>Frosh year- transition from middle school, meeting new people, trying new things. </p>
<p>Junior year- taking standardized tests, looking at colleges. </p>
<p>Senior year- applying to colleges. Getting accepted/rejected. Being rewarded for your hard work. Finally getting the heck out of HS. </p>
<p>what does that leave soph year with? To me, it’s a boring extension of frosh year.</p>
I kinda want something to go on, actually looking forward to a tougher workload jr. year.</p>
<p>Don’t let anyone tell you differently, sophomore year is the most emotionally taxing year. Don’t feel like you’re alone. </p>
<p>Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using CC App</p>
<p>I think soph year has the most anxiety and mental changes, though. Having to think about what classes to take next year, mainly. </p>
<p>At my school, APs are allowed in jr and senior year only. The ones who take them earlier come from different countries or prep schools, so they are ahead. Except one girl who’s really intelligent. (I, and many others are, too, but personally I can’t skip a class, i like having a solid foundation.)</p>
<p>Good luck, it’s almost over! I get out of school in the end of June :(</p>
<p>But I’m almost a senior
december 15 = the first D day for me.</p>
<p>I’ve actually done somewhat better this yearr then last, I thinkk.
We can’t take AP classes until Junior year, so the work is the same as last year, 4 honors classes this year, 2 a semester. This semester is going great, I have like a 98 as my lowest grade so farr.
I do think it’s a bit repetitive and I am ready to take some AP classes next year and see how that goes.
Ready to turn 16 and get my license next monthh which will probably be the biggest thing that happens sophomore year. hahah.</p>
<p>I had the opposite. Had a 3.1 GPA freshman year, now I have a 3.86.
Thank God colleges don’t look at freshman year.</p>