<p>I liked braces at first. I actually wanted to get them. But after the first two years, the novelty wears off. </p>
<p>I got my braces on during Thanksgiving of 8th grade-- that would be November 2006. Two effing years and a half and they're still on. D: Were supposed to come off this month, but apparently my lower teeth started "flattening out" in the middle, so I had to tell them to get it adjusted. I'm pretty sure I'm looking at a good three more months. </p>
<p>I usually stick with gray. Ventured out to blue, purple, and teal a couple of times. Gotten chains, rubber bands, the whole deal. Even pulled out 4 adult teeth.</p>
<p>DAMMIT I want them off soooo badly now!!!</p>
<p>So what about you? :)</p>
<p>haha I can totally relate. I just got my braces on (like two weeks ago?) and I was abnormally excited. I’m trying hard to not kill my initial excitement and have managed to not get annoyed at my braces as of yet. My friend told me that once you start getting even the littlest bit annoyed at your braces, it turns into a full-fledged hate. She got all worked up and told me that she wanted to see me crying (out of sadness) when I get my braces off. She means well (i think?), but I honestly think that in a month or two the excitement will wear off. </p>
<p>However, I got ceramic braces so it didn’t really make that much of a difference for me. Some people JUST noticed my braces like 10 days after I got them on.</p>
<p>I had my braces put on September 9, 2005. It was the Friday the first week of high school. I had the bands on the back teeth taken off the Friday before last, and the rest will be taken off this coming Friday before they do impressions. I’ll get my retainer before graduation.</p>
<p>Next year when I’m in college I’ll have my wisdom teeth removed. They’ll also take bone from the back of my mouth and graft it over my upper front teeth. After a few months, probably in the summer, when it has all healed, they will implant an incisor where there is currently a gap. I’ve had a gap there since the summer before 8th grade (right now there is a fake tooth attached to the braces).</p>
<p>Wow ThisCouldBeHeaven. I hereby declare you the winner. Any other contenders brave enough to challenge this impression resume?
I’m sure you’ll be ecstatic when all this is over. Or maybe you’ve gotten to the point where your mouth seems detached from the rest of your body and you just don’t care anymore?</p>
<p>I had them for a year and it sucked, but my teeth look reeeeeeally nice now</p>
<p>I’ll be ecstatic. On Thursday, one of my brackets broke so there was a wire protruding in the middle of my mouth. The only way I can eat is by tucking it under a hook. After awhile this begins to hurt, though, so I have to keep it out and find some way to keep the wire from piercing my lip every 10 seconds. So now I have an eraser from a pencil in my mouth most of the day.</p>
<p>Wow you guys got braces late. I had mine from the summer before 4th grade to the middle of the year last year.</p>
<p>And what do you mean, “after two years the novelty wears off?” Are you saying that you didn’t mind the braces for two whole years? I wish I had your braces experience.</p>
<p>I got braces on recently. Thought they were gonna suck, turns out I/no one else couldn’t care less about my new facial apparatus.</p>
<p>i got mine sometime during the seventh grade. i hated the bands, but i had like a massive underbite. i took them off summer before sophmore year. im just lucky i have them off before senior portraits!</p>
<p>You all DID get your late.</p>
<p>I started getting stuff done to my teeth when I was in the 4th grade.</p>
<p>First, I had an expander for 6 months. It hurt like hell because it’s sole purpose was to force my jaw to be larger.</p>
<p>Second, I got braces from half of 4th grade until 6th grade.</p>
<p>Third, retainer.</p>
<p>Fourth, braces again 7th-summer before 9th grade because my teeth shifted back to normal (yes, I wore my retainer).</p>
<p>Fifth, retainer again. My teeth have since shifted back… AGAIN, so I gave up ortho-stuff of my teeth.</p>
<p>I started orthodontist appointments in first grade, but they made me wait until I was 13 to get braces because I grew so slowly. I only had mine on for two years, but I had the whole works with hinges and a palate crank thing.</p>
<p>Around here, most people get braces sometime in 6th or 7th grade and have them off by 8th or 9th grade. Because we all have them at the same time, no one cares.
You got yours pretty late. But I think even if I got them late, as long as no one cared and I had them off before my senior year, I wouldn’t care either.</p>
<p>I got mine the day before thanksgiving of my junior year. Really late, even for around here, but I have really slow teeth. I just graduated, and I’m hoping to get them off before I leave for college because things become complicated then.
Of course, six months ago I was told “two or three more months,” and last appointment, they added bands to the last two bottom teeth. At this point, I have no idea where I am in the process.
I don’t really mind the braces. I go with light pink and they blend into my mouth for the most part.
It would be nice to be able to eat a sandwich though…</p>
<p>I had to have them for 7 years. It was annoying and painful. :(</p>
<p>Never had them in my life. I dunno, it’d be curious to see how I’d be with them…not sure if I’d rather have them or not. </p>
<p>…I don’t even think I have wisdom teeth, or at least, in a way that it erupts for most people. My mother, father, grandparents never had to extract their wisdom teeth.</p>
<p>I had them in middle school. 18 months, got them off in eighth grade.</p>
<p>I got my braces in April 2003, got them off in May 2005.</p>
<p>I refused to wear my retainer so I had to get them back on in July 2008.</p>
<p>Still have them.</p>
<p>You people have had these for a ridiculous amount of time. I had mine for a year and a half, and most people I know haven’t had more than 3 years, and most of them in my grade have already gotten them off.</p>
<p>I have to get my wisdom teeth out this summer, not looking forward to it.</p>
<p>6th - 8th grade (30 months), I had them on. They didn’t really get in the way, and I wasn’t too bothered by them.</p>
<p>I never wore my retainer afterward lol. I didn’t have the willpower to get used to them, and I thought they were gross.</p>
<p>7 years. My orthodontist is a freak. I don’t really care anymore…but they’ll probably come off in the next few weeks.</p>