Any other scholorships We can apply for?

<p>my son will be attending U of A as an OOS student. Unfortunately he does not qualify for any of the BIG scholorships, and our income is out of range for much financial aid. Does anyone know any other available money for Scholorships?? This is our first child going to college, so I am wondering where to look. Thanks so much!!</p>

<p>What are his stats?</p>

<p>He can contact his GC and find out about local scholarships to apply for. </p>

<p>What is his major?</p>

<p>Computer Science</p>

<p>What were his test scores?</p>

<p>3dogs3kids, I am happy to hear that your son was accepted at UA. Congratulations. However, as much my students love attending University of Alabama, I don’t know if it is worth getting into a lot of debt attending an out of state school. If you can swing it, Roll Tide. But if you think this would be a financial hardship on your son and your family, I definitely would consider an instate school instead. (If not, I hope you can find the additional scholarships needed.)</p>

<p>He has a 3.8 UW GPA and a 29 ACT. We were hoping for a 30, but he is a true 29, as he got that 4 times in a row:(. He has his heart set on UA, but of course in state schools would be less money. We can swing 15,000 a year, but the net price calculated 30,000 a year. He works but that will only add a few thousand a year, so looking for options without a lot of student loans.</p>

<p>I am sorry, but I am a little confused, your son already qualifies for a half-tuition scholarship. Did you mean Bigger than that? As an incoming freshman who has already applied before December 15, and was already admitted then with his stats, he qualifies for one of these half-tuition scholarships:</p>

<p>Foundation in Excellence Scholarship</p>

<p>A first-time freshman student who meets the December 15 scholarship priority deadline, has a 29 ACT or 1290–1320 SAT score (critical reading and math scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Foundation in Excellence Scholar and receive the value of one-half tuition or $49,900 over four years ($12,475 per year).</p>

<p>See the link for more info on OOS scholarships
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>To further reduce costs, choose a much less expensive dorm, cut back on travel home, do not bring a car to school, also reduce your car insurance for your college age student (most insurance companies put kids on an “away at school” status), don’t let him use his dining dollars (get reimbursed at the end of the year), and trim other expenditures (don’t get a new wardrobe, just add essential pieces), etc. to further reduce costs. Consider having him pick up a part time job on campus. Although, I would advise against this for the first semester -till he adjusts to college life. Work as much as he can in the summer prior to starting college and bank every penny. Avoid going out with friends to restaurants and other high cost activities. It is a sacrifice to do some of these things, but well worth it to attend the college of your choice.</p>

<p>If he keeps his grades high, and is an exemplary student, then he could try for some departmental scholarships later on.</p>

<p>Did he submit all the high school senior year local scholarship applications. (you normally get this list from your guidance counselor or the guidance department). They are usually quite a bit of work, but generally there is some money to be won, which can be used to offset the first year of college. Many students don’t bother to apply which makes the pool of applicants smaller.</p>

<p>Cutting back on certain items is really the key to making the cost feasible. Your son will also be eligible to take out some student loans. I believe that the first year is $5500 max.</p>

<p>@robotbldmom‌ yes, he does qualify for half tuition ( and we feel fortunate for now) I am looking for ways to make up the difference. Thank you so much for your suggestions!</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Did he look at any other schools on this list where he could get more merit?</p>

<p>Also did he check out schools close to home that have CS?</p>

<p>How far are you from Alabama? The travel cost will also have to be figured in.</p>

<p>The remaining $30k costs are the COA? If so, he can lower the costs by choosing the Standard Doubles housing…and after frosh year, he can choose a much cheaper meal plan.</p>

<p>Did he get any money from engineering?</p>

<p>If your son is in engineering, I know that there are students who participate in the co-op program, this prolongs the time spent in undergrad but I know several students who had good paying co-ops that led to job offers even before they graduated.</p>

<p>He received 750.00, for engineering ( yay), everyone is giving such great advice, thank you! Just trying to get all our " ducks in a row" so we know what we are looking at. This board is so helpful!!!</p>

<p>If you search the threads (topics) there has been so much advice on cutting costs. Years two to four can be much cheaper because your student won’t have to take a meal plan or live on campus. </p>

<p>Also, don’t join a fraternity, as these can be quite expensive.</p>

<p>I’m not sure how the deadlines work for the scholarships, but did he ever try the SAT? I have 2 kids that score much higher on the SAT.</p>

<p>ETA: oops, ignore this suggestion! The deadline has already passed!</p>

<p>The testing deadline for the scholarships is the December test dates.</p>

<p>I’ve seen someone here mention scholarships received in addition to the Presidential Scholarship. I believe it was for an ACT score of 36. Are there any other additional scholarships from U or A that a student can receive (not for engineering) based on ACT scores (D has a 35 ACT), gpa, etc?</p>

<p>It is my understanding that the other scholarships UA gives out typically go to incoming freshman who are not receiving the larger scholarships (excluding of course any automatic awards like engineering). New students receiving the Presidential or UA Scholars, etc, should look to your local community or other scholarships outside of UA. </p>

<p>Has anybody with the Presidential scholarship ever received additional scholarships from UA? (excluding that automatic one from engineering)</p>

<p>Yes. My son has multiple scholarships from UA.</p>

<p>My son received an extra $2500 for engineering, but you probably already know about that scholarship. </p>