Any other squash or rugby players?

<p>If so, how long have you been playing?</p>

<p>they don’t offer rugby at most of the schools. are you planning on playing if you do go to boarding school?
I play squash (very) recreationally. only about once a month but I still consider myself pretty good (not to arrogant or anything…) if I end up going to a school without a fencing program I will probably be playing squash as my winter sport.</p>

<p>Hey whatsup, I do play rugby</p>

<p>Ive been playing for 3-4 years, and i play a forward: Blindside Flanker or Number 8</p>

<p>How about you?</p>

<p>I don’t really plan on playing in high school, but in college and after, I plan on playing. Also, I may start a rugby club at my boarding school…</p>

<p>My second season is starting soon, and I play for a U19 team, even though I started when I was 13. I play prop, hooker, and blindside flanker as well…</p>

<p>Where are you from luc722? I’m from CT.</p>

<p>@bs_hopeful: they have rugby teams in CT? I never knew of anyone in america who plays competative rugby.</p>

<p>Ahh, there are only a few of them…</p>

<p>Not many Americans play as you know, but it’s such a great sport.</p>

<p>I played for a local men’s team… But I really got dominated sometimes(I was the youngest by 3 years). I’m very physical, but I really started to get banged up. I love the sport, but is just isn’t popular enough to have a league(where I am from at least).</p>

<p>just the other day i got a concussion and got a temporary memory loss. Many people from my team got broken collar bones and ribs from rugby games. Dont play unless u can take it.</p>

<p>There are amatuer leagues in most cities and hundreds of colleges have club teams.
For some reason the funster believes Kimball Union Academy fields a team…</p>