<p>GPA: 3.1 (2.6 Freshman Year, Upward Trend Each Year After)
SAT: 1800
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Language and Composition
- AP Literature
- AP Physics
- IB Biology
- Honors Enlgish 9
- Honors English 10
- Honors Algebra II
- Honors Pre Calculus
- Honors World Studies
- Honors Biology
- Three Years of Spanish (Should I take a fourth if I get a B in the class?)</p>
- Four Years Quizbowl
Made it to States each year
- Three Years Debate Team
One year JV Two years Varsity
- Two Years One Small Step
Possible treasurer for next year
- Four Years of Tennis
JV Captain Junior Year
Playing Varsity Senior Year
- Astronomy Club
- Outdoors Club
150 Hours at Hospital</p>
50 Hours working restaurant finance.</p>
<p>I really want to go to this college but I feel like I don't have a chance. Any programs I can choose to increase my chances?</p>