<p>I was scrolling through a lot of posts here, and there wasn't one dedicated to Harry Potter :( I'm an obsessive Potterhead, and I wish my school had a Quidditch team or a Potter Club /sigh. Any other Harry Potter fans? :D</p>
<p>And if you already read JK Rowling's new book, the Casual Vacancy,... how was it?</p>
<p>Most people over here are Potterheads
and no, haven’t read the Casual Vacancy as the reviews weren’t very good</p>
<p>Yes, I am a huge Potter nerd and no I haven’t read the Casual Vacancy yet, I can’t bring myself to read something by Rowling that is not Potter yet. For those in elementary functions/pre calc, we were studying infinite discontinuity the other day and my teacher used the example that you would have to either use a TARDIS or apperate to get from one line to another. It made my day!</p>
<p>How about potheads? :)</p>
<p>@UKgirl23: The reviews say that it was a horrible let out, so I don’t even know if I’m going to try it. I really want to though, but I don’t want to shatter any of my expectations of JK Rowling haha</p>
<p>@ArtsyGirl13: That’s so cool!! And I was so shocked when I heard JK Rowling said she would be publishing another book, instead of the sequel with Scorpius Malfoy and James Potter and such
It broke my heart LOL</p>
<p>@MutaRiSC: that can work too
And by the way, I really like your location!</p>
<p>fellow potterhead here
I haven’t really read Casual Vacancy. it has nothing to do with HP and it’s one of <em>those</em> types of character driven books where almost no characters have redeemable qualities and goes into the sex, drugs, abuse, etc. topics. not my thing. I hate those types of books</p>
<p>Yes I’m a pothead. I’m around 1/3 through The Casual Vacancy.</p>
<p>Love the books, hate the films and I’m allowed to hate them - I was in two of them.</p>
<p>Hahaha I was expecting something about quidditch and you sir did not disappoint. You know they had an article in Outside magazine on the Quidditch Championship. It was sort of interesting. My brother in law did see UCBs team practicing, it was weirdly interesting.</p>
<p>Yes sad about the books, to get my wizardry fix I read all the Dresden File books. Quite good but very adult in nature.</p>