<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>I'm a freshman in the school of business. Feel free to post/PM any questions you have.</p>
<p>(Note that I try to visit CC regularly, but I'm not on every day- sometimes I am only on once a week though. This applies to PMs as well).</p>
<p>What was your GPA, ACT, etc. and did you apply early action?</p>
<p>How big are the classes?</p>
<p>How many business classes are you taking this year?</p>
<p>How is the Applied Finance Lab? (if you have used it)</p>
<p>How is the overall workload? Do you have alot of homework every night?</p>
<p>[ul][<em>]About 3.6 unweighted, 32 composite, 2160 (710,690,730) SAT I, 690 Math I & II SAT IIs, 680 Bio E SAT II, Applied EA
[</em>]Depends on the course. (approximately for each) The largest I have is 50 in a lecture room (Microeconomics), 20 in Business Dynamics I, 25 in Intro to Philosophy, 15 in ACS: Traditions in Conversation, 20 in Calculus II, and 451 in Information technology (The course is online, with no actual class times - this is the size of the VSB class of 2012)
[<em>]11 courses in general, 4 business classes this year. The Business school curriculum is locked freshman year, which makes going to the college of Arts & Sciences or discovering interest in a different business major easier. I think you have to declare by the end of Sophomore year.
[</em>]I’ve only used it once (during the EA candidate day), but it is awesome. Unfortunately you cannot actually trade in there (it’s real time quotes instead of the usual 20 minute delay). From what I understand we have a bloomberg terminal (very expensive per year) in there too. You can make a reservation (which can be tough, but not impossible). Triple monitor setup is really nice, an actual electronic ticker, and plasmas that retract down from the ceiling.
[*]The overall workload is tough. You do end up doing a lot of homework- if you have a spread out schedule, do it between classes. Falvey Library is dead quiet on the third floor and is a great place to get homework done if you are easily distracted. It’s not bad though; usually I have one tough night every 2 weeks. Most days I have a decent amount of free time, as long as I don’t procrastinate ;)[/ul]</p>
<p>Thanks novastudent2012. I have the exact same GPA and ACT as you and applied EA…gives me some hope.</p>
<p>I’m sure I’ll have more questions if I get accepted.</p>