Any recommendations on first year classes?

<p>Daughter is starting to put together her first year (Fall 2012) wish list of classes (to include potential professors) – Her major will be MIS in the Honors College. She will attend either OA or AA.</p>

<p>Any recommendations/help would be appreciated.</p>



<p>FWIW, my son thought Moral Forum, an Honors College course, was an invaluable experience: [CESR</a> @ UA](<a href=“]CESR”></p>

<p>Not only is it intellectually stimulating, there is serious prize money at stake in the course’s signature debate tournament.</p>

<p>The introductory Honors Accounting course was also a great experience. While accounting may sound dull, the students in this course were required to learn the rudiments of filing Federal tax returns, then go into the community as volunteers and actually help disadvantaged individuals and families file their returns. It was an enlightening and humbling experience for my son.</p>

<p>I’d also recommend any English class taught by Melissa Hull. She’s young, energetic, smart, and, in my son’s opinion, the best teacher he had his freshman year.</p>

<p>BamaAF…what AP credits will your D be coming in with?</p>

<p>My kids liked:</p>

Fine Arts of Tuscaloosa
Fine Arts and Parody (with Louise Cary)
Creative Writing: First Person (with Carolyn Mason)</p>

<p>Thanks for the recommendations so far – </p>

<p>My daughter won’t be carrying any AP credits (unless she does well on tests this year) – she has taken (and continues) the AP courses, but we did not want her focusing on the tests (school pays for them, so she takes them, but no extra study for them). </p>

<p>Just something Mom and me decided…she carry’s a 4.9 and scored well enough on ACT for Presidential – Capt of her dance team… Not pushing her to do anything else in high school.</p>

<p>Also just something in my mind, but did not want her to pass a AP course and have to go to the next level in college – and even if she wanted to retake course in college, scholarship would not allow an audit… May not be the case, but concerned me.</p>

<p>I need to get the MIS mandatory freshman courses, and then look at what you are recommending.</p>

<p>We are also interested in any recommended professors – I think there is somewhere we can look fr that – “Rate my Professor”?</p>

<p>Thanks so far again for your help – it is amazing how much help this site (and the people on this site) have helped, and look forward to continued help.</p>


<p>What is the best way to see what classes your student should take and then see if they are available? And where are the honors courses listed that will be available Fall 2012? </p>

<p>My D is taking AP Spanish, AP Lit, and AP Latin this year. I don’t like how she doesn’t find out her scores until July and she’ll probably have BB in early June. When she’s scheduling she’ll have to guess if she’ll test out of something, right? </p>

<p>I think that she’ll have to take a language placement test anyway- is that correct? If so, will she get the results right away so she can make her course selection?</p>

<p>We too started working on class selections this weekend. Wow, it’s confusing. Our daughter has the following AP classes: European History, Calc AB, English Lang, Calc BC, English Lit, Biology, Spanish Lang. Last year she got all 5’s. With that said, she is majoring in chemical and biological Engineering. We spent some time on the web but was unable to fully understand what classes were required vs which may be covered by AP’s. </p>

<p>She is going to try calling today. I know Mom2k always says be careful not to overload first semester. Any help is greatly appreciated. </p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>

<p>*Also just something in my mind, but did not want her to pass a AP course and have to go to the next level in college – and even if she wanted to retake course in college, scholarship would not allow an audit… May not be the case, but concerned me.

<p>UA does NOT require a student to go on to the “next level”…so don’t worry about that. A student is free to retake the AP course for college credit while at UA…as a matter of fact, many pre-meds do that because med schools don’t accept AP credits. </p>

<p>If you pass AP Cal, you can still take Cal I if you want. If you pass AP Bio, you can still take Bio, etc, etc…no problem. </p>

<p>That said, unless your D is majoring in history or English, why not try to pass those APs? Passing with a 4 gets you out of Frosh Comp I and II (Frosh Comp I with a 3) and passing the histories with a 3, gets you out of your history sequence.</p>

<p>Since your D will be a MIS major, it’s to her benefit to AP out of English and History at least. I wouldn’t want her to have to be burdened with a bunch of writing assignments if that could be avoided with AP English. </p>

<p>My kids came in with AP credits in Calc, Bio, Chem, English, Gov, and the Histories. It only helped them, it didn’t hurt them at all. </p>

<p>There are no negatives to passing APs…only positives, because it gives you options. </p>

<p>*What is the best way to see what classes your student should take and then see if they are available? And where are the honors courses listed that will be available Fall 2012?

  • </p>

<p>On MyBama, you can see when courses are listed. Since your D is undecided on a major, she’s going to largely focus on Core…but tell her to make sure she chooses ones that will apply to MANY different major choices…so she doesn’t have to take extra courses later. </p>

<p>The honors courses will be listed on the honors college website…don’t know if they’ve been listed yet for next Fall…if not, then soon they will be…and more will be added, too.</p>

<p>*My D is taking AP Spanish, AP Lit, and AP Latin this year. I don’t like how she doesn’t find out her scores until July and she’ll probably have BB in early June. When she’s scheduling she’ll have to guess if she’ll test out of something, right? </p>

<p>I think that she’ll have to take a language placement test anyway- is that correct? If so, will she get the results right away so she can make her course selection? *</p>

<p>Yes, she will guess how she’s done on AP exams when she registers.</p>

<p>Yes, she’d get the results back right away on placement tests. However, if she’s taking AP Spanish exam, and she expects to get the req’d score, she can proceed from that or the placement tests…whichever is better.</p>

<p>*Our daughter has the following AP classes: European History, Calc AB, English Lang, Calc BC, English Lit, Biology, Spanish Lang. Last year she got all 5’s. </p>

<p>With that said, she is majoring in chemical and biological Engineering. We spent some time on the web but was unable to fully understand what classes were required vs which may be covered by AP’s. </p>


<p>Your D will have credits for:</p>

<p>Cal I and II - 8 credits
Frosh Comp I and II - 6 credits
Euro History (2 classes) 6 credits
Bio - Principals of Bio I and II - 8 credits
AP Spanish Lang - Spanish I - 4 credits </p>

<p>Your D should take the Spanish placement. She’ll likely score in the highest bracket. If she does, and then takes a 300 level course, then she’ll get the back credits.</p>

<p>Is she taking AP chem?</p>

<p>As a frosh, she’ll take the Frosh Engineering program and likely Gen Chem her first year. she should try to include a fun honors class as well. It’s her choice to skip Cal I and II and go on to III, but she might want to wait til Spring for that.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, her school does not offer AP Chem- she maxed out at honors Chem.</p>

<p>Not sure I understand what you mean by get those credits back when referring to Spanish. Is a language required for Bio/Chem?</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help. </p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using CC</p>

<p>*Not sure I understand what you mean by get those credits back when referring to Spanish. Is a language required for Bio/Chem?</p>


<p>Altho a FL is not required for BChemE, it’s nice to have FL credits… My son is that major, and he has a lot of FL credits. </p>

<p>It sounds like your D will get Spanish I (SP 101) credits from AP Spanish. However, if she takes the FL placement test and places in the highest band, then if she takes ONE 300 level Spanish class, then she’ll be given credits for 201, and 202 as well. She might also be given credit for 102…not sure how that will play out since usually they give you credit for 103 if you don’t have 101.</p>

<p>One of the parents we were sitting with at Capstone Honors Day said that their regional rep told them that they should take the CLEP test too, for Spanish. That the CLEP was the way to get the most credits awarded.</p>

<p>This sort of confused us. We thought that the AP test and the actual language placement test at UA would be the best.</p>


<p>Yes…CLEP can be the BEST way to get FL credits…You can get the MOST without taking any FL classes at Bama.</p>


<p>Spanish, Level 1 and Level 2
Score of 48-51 …SP 101 and SP 102*… 8 credits …FL/HU
Score of 52-55 …SP 201 …11 credits … "
Score of 56-80 …SP 202 …14 credits… "</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>So, yes, take CLEP…you can end up with the most credits without taking any FL classes on campus.</p>

<p>Mom2CK, let’s say my daughter takes CLEP and scores 56-58. She’s then get 14 credit hours.
Could she then take a 300 spanish class if she wants to major/minor in spanish?</p>

<p>Or should she just take the AP test and the UA placement test- keeping in mind she wants to
major or minor in spanish?</p>

<p>* let’s say my daughter takes CLEP and scores 56-58. She’s then get 14 credit hours.
Could she then take a 300 spanish class if she wants to major/minor in spanish?

<p>Yes, she could then take a 300 class after that. </p>

Or should she just take the AP test and the UA placement test- keeping in mind she wants to
major or minor in spanish? *</p>

<p>Won’t really matter as long as she scores in the highest band either way.</p>

<p>Just noticed I said my daughter had a 4.9 – it is 3.9… It was really really early…:)</p>

<p>Thanks for the info that you can re-take passed AP coursed M2CK… </p>

<p>Hope D will pass some AP courses this year; if not, she will be doing some writing next year.</p>

<p>DS LOVED Arts and Parody. Great honor’s class. Also, he will be a student leader for OA for the second year this fall after enjoying it himself as a freshman. They are meeting twice a month planning the week for fall 2012. He is VERY excited about the plans for the fall. Obviously, I highly recommend OA!</p>

<p>When I applied to UA, several administrators remarked that they hadn’t seen many non-military students with CLEP credit since the 70s (most CLEP testing is still done on military bases). It looks like that is changing, which is a good thing for students as UA doesn’t grant as much credit for the language AP tests. With CLEP credit, I was able to get credit for 2 years of French without taking any additional French courses.</p>

<p>My advice is to take any courses that sound interesting and would apply to your degree. I never took a 3-credit UH seminar as it was easier for me to take one IHP course, Alabama Action, and two 1-credit Common Book Experience courses to fulfill the UH course requirement.</p>

<p>DS took the Chemistry CLEP and placed out of 2 semesters of Chemistry, so that’s a possibility even if their high school doesn’t offer an AP Chemistry test. He liked the instant feedback of knowing his score right after testing - not like that two month wait for the AP English scores:-( However, 'Bama only accepts the AP English to place out of a full year of Freshman English, so he… waited. At BB he signed up for the Freshman Honors Comp, and it was easy enough to go online and drop that course as soon as he got the AP scores.</p>

<p>Although his schedule was pretty straighforward (engineering major), he did have time for an Honors Seminar on Machiavelli, which he enjoyed very much.</p>

<p>Can anyone (everyone!) weigh in on whether to retake Calculus at UA if you took AP BC Calc in high school (and passed w/ 4 or 5) and are going into Engineering? </p>

<p>Local rep said UA ‘strongly suggests/expects’ student to retake Calc I and II before going on…but I have not confirmed this w/ UA admin/staff yet, so not sure how to interpret that comment… (Local rep also said the AP Physics is no problem to apply at UA, which I thought was weird, because physics is used so much in many branches of engineering.) So, just wondering why they (UA eng dept) are worried about having students apply the AP BC Calc for credit, but not the AP physics credit…</p>

<p>The concept of taking Calculus that you can AP out of was discussed a great deal last year. I was one of the people asking others what to do for my D.</p>

<p>My D could have AP’ed out of Calc 1 and 2 and gone directly into Calc 3. She instead took Calc 2 last semester and got an A. Others on this forum said to retake Calc 1, could get an easy A. Others said you will be bored in Calc 1. Others said go directly to Calc 3. </p>

<p>What also helped to make the decision for my D was to see the syllabus for Calc 1 and 2. She also looked at a copy of the calculus book at the bookstore. FWIW, she was glad she took Calc 2 and not Calc 3. She is an engineering major. Hope this helps.</p>