Any review applicants heard back from Mays Business School?

Hi everyone,
I applied to Mays on August 22 and am still waiting to hear back, so I’m wondering how many review applicants have already received admission into Mays? I know that they don’t leave many spots open for review apps. If you’ve been accepted, please share info on your stats!

Here’s the run down on my application:

When did you apply: 08/22
When did you get your UIN: 08/24
When did you receive your admission decision: Waiting
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review? Admit: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: Mays Business School
Did you get in: Awaiting decision
Honors program: No
Class Rank: Top 25% (Unweighted - 4.0, Weighted - 4.3)
SAT: 1310 (new)

Really strong essays (A, B, & C)
Founded my own successful business in 2015 (still running it)
2 letters of recommendation
8 years of piano
Track & Field
194 service hours


First, I commend anyone who can practice piano for eight years! :slight_smile:
Second, Don’t worry about what admission says - looking back at past threads, it seems that virtually everyone who applies early, gets a decision(even as reviews) by early February. And your stats are better then mine and we applied at about the same time, so I think you’ll get in :slight_smile:

@lessonwitch2 Thank you! I hope so! My second choice major is Communication, so if the business school doesn’t work out, hopefully I get into that. Best of luck-keep us updated on if you get in!

Have you heard back from Texas A&M? Did you apply to UT-Austin? I hope you get into your dream school!

I believe you should receive a decision by the 28th. It may all depend on if all the spots are filled. Best of luck.

@NASA2014 @aggiehopeful22 I was actually offered PSA this past Friday, which is pretty upsetting. I’m working on contacting advisors at TAMU & possibly submitting an appeal, because this was very unexpected (I didn’t apply for a backup school). I’ve taken a ton of dual credit classes and will truly be going into college as a sophomore & I feel like this was definitely overlooked in my app. I’ll keep you posted on how it all goes!

Sorry to hear about that Molly. I was offered PSA as well, and choose to stick out two years at Texas A&M Corpus Christi knock out my basics and apply for Mays. I would definitely look into externally transferring or spending one year at a sister school and doing PSA. If you do PSA for comm you can probably internally transfer to Mays. It’s all up to you I guess. Best of luck with everything, and hope everything gets resolved.

@mollykdolan have you applied to TAMU Galveston??? It would be a great option while you wait on TAMU CS…

@mollykdolan - I agree that you should consider applying to A&M Galveston. Then you don’t lose a year and risk not getting in again. You can just focus on basics year one, and then transfer into your major of choice (business?) for year two. At least look into it. Keep us informed of your journey. Many of us may not know you but we are rooting for you!

I’m shocked Molly that you didn’t get in. That’s insane with those stats. They say major doesn’t matter and if you didn’t get Mays (which is hard if not automatic admit) then you should have gotten Communication. So weird. Galveston MARA program is awesome and it’s just a change of major if you want CSTAT location. Still may not get Mays but worth a shot.

I’m so sorry. Your stats killed mine, but fortunately You have three normal options .

Ask for an appeal and contact the college of business. If that fails check this link.

Attend a PSA school for a year ( you need 24hr)

Take a term off so you can apply for spring if it’s THAT bad ( but I don’t recommend it)

I recommend PVAMU because you qualify for full tuition If not a full ride.

@mollykdolan After thinking more on your stats… I’m kinda pissed off for you. I have friends that got in with a 20 ACT and top 15% and some that got Blinn team with top 25% and less than a 20 ACT. It makes no sense. You should have gotten into ATM just maybe not Mays since it fills up with automatic admits. Please let us know how the appeal goes. Good luck and gig 'em.

@lessonwitch2 @photomom99 @addicted2MT Thank you all for your suggestions! The reason I don’t want to accept PSA or apply to Galveston, is because I already have (or will have when I graduate) 45 college credit hours complete. Had I gotten into Mays, I would have been able to declare my major (I wanted to pursue business management) after one or possibly two semesters. If I went to one of their off campuses (the ones listed for PSA), I’d just be setting myself back (I have all the basics out of the way). If nothing ends up working out before the end of this semester, I will more than likely consider applying as a Spring 2018 Freshman. I’m trying really hard to get in contact with a bunch of people and explain that I’m truly coming in as a sophomore, so let’s hope this works out (I will be submitting an appeal soon too)!

@1wannabanagE Haha thank you…trust me I am too. A bunch of people have just said “it’s a space issue”, but truthfully that’s not the case. I applied back in August, so I was among the first crowd of applicants. If they immediately knocked me out of business, they were well aware that I wanted Comm as a back up, however they rejected both. I’ve read that multiple review applicants were admitted to Mays, even with lower stats than mine (and applied way later than me), so I’m not really sure what else I could have done. I knew my SAT score was barely lower than automatic, so that was the only thing going against me (but they always say that’s not the only deciding factor). I thought that having a proven record starting up my own small business would definitely make a impression…and no, it’s not just something minor. It’s nearly a full time job for me, having to do marketing, finances, management, customer service/communications, taxes, and everything else (I run it completely by myself). I was willing to either scale it back or co-own it, had I been admitted.

I’ll most definitely post an update as to how these next couple months turn out, even if not for the best. Thanks!

@mollykdolan - I hate to say it because it is wrong if I am right, but I think your 45 college credit hours worked against you this time. I can’t think of why that you work against you, but it seems the only thing that stands out as different from others with stats similar to yours that got in…

@addicted2MT is absolutely right. Having too many units does hurt you. They don’t want a “freshman” with too many units completed elsewhere.

@mollykdolan Why don’t you want to apply as a transfer?

@addicted2MT @gogogogobruins I agree with you…I think somehow the college hours didn’t benefit me, which is crazy because it truly proves that I’ll excel in college (I’ve made all A’s).

I already thought about applying as a transfer, however, they’ll decline me because they don’t consider any transfers until they’ve fully completed a semester of college, while actually being a college student. Which is unfortunate, because I’ve completed well beyond that, but it’s all dual credit…

Maybe go to a community college for one semester and apply as a transfer applicant?

@mollykdolan Check to see if Mays accepts spring admissions. I heard they don’t, but that could be just for transfers. My brother is a junior in high school and he wants Mays. I told my mom about you and she read the thread. She’s freakin out a bit now. She’s wondering if he should go for AgBusiness and then try to change major after freshman year. So frustrating! What percent were you? I had a friend top 48% with a 24 ACT and he just got accepted… not into Mays obviously!

Molly, Let us know what you hear. I was a little surprised my son got PSA with similar stats (25.7%, 1350 SAT, Eagle Scout, varsity sport, job…) and he applied on Aug. 2nd. I’d like to know what you hear.

@1wannabanagE I’m not sure if Mays accepts spring admission…I haven’t seen anything saying they don’t, so I’m guessing they do (I feel like it would be strange if they didn’t). I didn’t have a class rank, so I was given top quarter based on my app. If your brother currently qualifies as a review applicant, I’d definitely recommend trying to raise his rank or scores, because obviously for me, my SAT score is what knocked me out. If he’s already an auto/academic admit, then he is already at an advantage over me.

@tessty I will! I’ve made several phone calls these past couple days and so has my dad–we’re just starting to get some solid help and are trying to coordinate a meeting with someone this coming week. Praying that something will work out!