Any schools with applications still open?

<p>Topic. My gpa isn't too great(3.0 Unweighted, 3.7 Weighted, Most rigorous courseload 83/480 class rank), my SAT is alright 1970(630 CR, 690 Math, 650 writing), no ecs, 150+ hours volunteering hospital. Any schools that I should consider looking at? I already applied to the UCs.</p>

<p>You might consider Pepperdine…they have extended their application deadlne to Feb. 2.</p>

<p>What would you like to major in?</p>

<p>There are GAZILLIONS of schools. Many with Feb 1 due dates so GET CRACKING! Some with Feb 15. Some even later. </p>

<p>U Portland, Seattle U, Gonzaga, etc. Get online and LOOK. Your scores will not work for the UC’s I am afraid. You never know, but I highly doubt it.</p>

<p>Some schools have rolling admissions. But you have to do the homework! Get online or get a copy of Barrons’ or Petersen’s College Directory.</p>

<p>GET MOVING!</p>

<p>Arizona State</p>

<p>Here’s a list with late and rolling admissions. But like others have said, don’t wait any longer - many with “late” admissions will fill a class earlier than you might think.</p>

<p>[Late</a> & Rolling Deadline Schools](<a href=“]Late”>Late Deadline Schools: Finding one and getting in with a great college essay)</p>