Any signifance of email from UCB Math, Science, Engg Coalition email

<p>My D got the following from uc berekely in email. Anything to it or is it another marketing email similar to alumni leadership scholarship invitation (which she got a few days earlier)? </p>

<p>Subject: UC Berkeley Mathematics, Science, Engineering Coalition</p>

<p>Dear Cal Applicant,
As faculty and staff from U.C. Berkeley's Coalition for Excellence
and Diversity in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, we are very
excited that you have applied for admission to Berkeley.</p>

<p>Berkeley's admission process looks at grades, test scores, life's
challenges, and more, in a comprehensive review of all applications.
To learn more, you may view the following to see what Berkeley is
looking for when it selects its incoming freshmen class. </p>

<p>The Coalition works hard to create diverse and supportive communities
of academically talented students at UC Berkeley who are interested
in science, engineering, or mathematics. We hope you will carefully
compare academic life and student life at different colleges and
universities as you consider your college options. The faculty and
staff of the Coalition for Excellence and Diversity in Mathematics,
Science, and Engineering wish you well in your pursuit of a
fulfilling college education. Students in our programs take part in
academic enrichment and undergraduate research activities as well as
in social events and student organizations.</p>

<p>If you wish to not receive email from us in the future - please
respond with \"no mail\" in the subject line"</p>

<p>It is a generic marketing email. Ignore it.</p>

<p>Yep, generic email. My email also included a bit about a reception, but it was just because the reception happenend to be in my local area.</p>

<p>Thanks 2 cents and musicgal for the response. musicgal, did you apply in math/science/engineering area? I assume your hook per this “Coalition” will be female applicant then for these areas, or is it urm?</p>

<p>Anyone else got this email from the diversity coalition? Are you planning to go visit the campus responding to this “invitation”?</p>