Any single occupancy dorms?

It cracks me up to think of my Engineering Geek son in Bryant Hall with the athletes. :stuck_out_tongue: Except that he is 6’5 so he could pass for a basketball player (though he has never done that sport).

Blount is for students in the Blount Undergraduate Initiative Program and some honors students live there, too, I think.

That’s correct, @Justathought1.

I believe they added Blount as an Honors option because it’s less expensive than the Ridgecrests and because they had room in the past for “Honors overflow.” All I can say about the Blount Undergraduate Initative is that it’s an LLC (Living Learning Community) for liberal arts students and most definitely would be where I would choose to live (as a former English major) if I were Bama Bound today. It’s a relatively small residence hall (in comparison with the Ridgecrests, Presidentials and Riverside) and fosters community. I think it would be a great option for the student who was maybe torn between attending a small liberal arts college and a big, bustling university or the STEM student who wants to hang out with non-STEM students.

@SouthFloridaMom9, I believe Bryant’s dining hall also offers better meal options for the carnivores out there – all those athletes need their protein after all! :smiley: