Any special sendoffs or plans for the summer?

<p>My D doesn’t want to do anything special before we bring her to Bama on the 13th. She almost never asks for any special treatment but I want to do something for her. Any suggestions?</p>

<p>My DD was the same way leaving for her freshman year last year and I strongly encouraged her to have one last bonfire and invite all of her friends. She used Facebook and set up a private invite to about 60 kids. Maybe had 35 attend as many weere working, etc.</p>

<p>I had lots of suppliles for 'Smores and I made a big pot of walking tacos. It was a huge hit and really easy.</p>

<p>She enjoyed it so much that we have already planned her ‘going back to school’ party for next Friday. She just told me that she reallly was glad that I ‘made’ her do it last year as it was the last time she saw some of her friends for the year.</p>

<p>It is tough when they don’t tell you what they want…</p>

<p>That sounds like fun. I could try to get her to get something set up with her friends. They did go see Harry Potter together but that wasn’t just to see her off to school.</p>

<p>What are walking tacos? They sound yummy!</p>

<p>last year mine didn’t want a grad party or a sendoff party.</p>

<p>i ended up setting up a surprise sendoff at a local restaurant on a wednesday night before she left on that friday. even then we ended up with a conflict with another party!</p>

<p>it was about 10 family members and about 15 school friends. fajitas for everyone. </p>

<p>when we walked in (we were supposedly going there with family only) she saw the table full of kids she knew and thought they all had planned a dinner and didn’t invite her! : (</p>

<p>anyway, it was easy to do and she liked it.</p>

<p>i would set something up even if kid says they don’t want it. just make it the type of thing they would like.</p>

<p>Resist the urge to make a grand gesture for the send off.
Emotions may be running high and too close to the surface.</p>

<p>She’ll be back for Thanksgiving or sooner.</p>

<p>More of the attitude of … Hasta la vista-See ya later…</p>

<p>You’ll be chatting on the phone with her as you drive away.</p>

<p>Thanks for the suggestions!</p>

<p>I was giving it some thought but I tend to go overboard- translation
= $$$ so that will be one good reason to forgo. S is seeing different friends almost every night, so I think he’ll be all set by the time he leaves. He might not think so, but I think it’s enough. Plus he will be driving 20 hours with H, so lot of bonding time there :)</p>

<p>We did the best thing. Got together with 9 other moms and we threw a “surprise” going away party for DD and her friends. We had a limo pick the girls up at the house (they thought they were all going to go out to dinner one last time on the Plaza). It drove them down to the Plaza (think upscale outside shopping area for those of you not familiar to Kansas City). When they got there they were let off by the large fountain by the entrance where my self and 3 other moms met them with a clue! Yup…they went on a scavenger hunt all over the Plaza and at each new place the clues led them they got am “item” that they would need for college. So they went to North Face where we had all bought them back packs…new clue onto Apple Store where they all got itunes cards, then to Victoria’s Secret for panties…you get the idea…there were 10 clues and the girls had a blast…the final clue led them to the gondolas that float on Brush Creek that runs through the Plaza…We had engraved champagne flutes with sparking cider, a photographer to capture the moment, one rose for each girl and a Young Men’s A Capella Choir serenaded them. After they all floated up and down they all hopped into the limo and picked up Pizzas at California Pizza Kitchen and headed back to our house where their friends were all waiting…we danced and reminisced late into the evening…each Mom had made each girl a letter of their first name (so my D’s was M) that was about 8 inches by 4 and was collaged with pics of our DD’s. We had placed them matted in a frame and there was a space for the kids who were at the party to write messages to each girl. DD took hers to school with her and I noticed in the packing that we were doing today that she had it all wrapped up and ready to go again this year. DD still talks about how much fun it was and what a great send off…the girls all were here the other night (they are scattered across Big 10 schools…my DD being only SEC girl) and tried to convince me we should do it again!</p>

<p>I’d be more than happy to take the girls to Victoria’s Secret for you. Sure it would be a chore for me. But we all have to make sacrifices sometimes :-)</p>

<p>LOL NJBama, I knew you were going to say something about VS. </p>

<p>aphimommy: You and the other moms did such a great send off and party. I always like reading your comments and stories. I might steal your idea of the collage and I love the scavenger idea.</p>

<p>Yep…I was waiting for NJ’s comment as well :).<br>
Thanks Cuttlefish…it was so much fun! If you want to pm me a cell number that gets pics I will send you a pic of the collage. It turned out so cute! I had several friends this year who did it for kids for grad gifts.</p>

<p>What are walking tacos? They sound yummy! </p>

<p>LOL Cuttlefish…walking tacos are so easy and the kids love them. Take a small bag of Fritos, and spoon in some ground beef seasoned w/ taco mix. Then they get to choose what else they add. I have bowls of salsa, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, sour cream. They spoon those into the Frito bag and add a spoon. Poof! Walking Taco. When they are done the bag goes in the garbage.</p>

<p>I use ground turkey sometimes too, but then you need to use a little more taco seasoning. I generally put the ground beef into the crock pot and that keeps it warm for the whole night.</p>

<p>I generally do a big fruit salad and some other snacky stuff. For dessert we make cake pops and stick them into styrofoam and the kids can just grab them and eat.</p>

<p>Bama served “walking around tacos” at the meet and greet that they had in our area for prospective students. Delicious and so easy. I didn’t know that was the name for it. They also served whoopie pies. Also delicious. …and here comes NJBama with a comment about that!</p>

<p>A guy offers to drive 500 miles out of his way, out of the kindness of his own heart. To take some poor needy girls clothes shopping. And all of a sudden he’s labeled. Sigh…What a sad day in America when chivalry is mocked, charity is rebuked, and kindness is scorned.</p>

<p>Have I reached Martyr status yet? :-)</p>

<p>Ahhhhh…I am glad chivalry is not dead :). We really did appreciate the offer…already bought the 5 for $25 this time around…will keep you in mind for the next shopping spree! Ha ha!</p>

<p>LOL NJBama! I know better than to drink my tea while reading your posts. Don’t want to laugh and spray my computer with the tea!</p>

<p>My, have things changed. In my generation the send off was along the lines of:</p>

<p>“Here’s 5 bucks to spend for the semester”, “don’t come home before Christmas”, and a swift boot in the pants followed by “don’t flunk out or you are going into the army.”</p>

<p>These kids have no idea how good they have it!!!</p>