Any thoughts/firsthand experience with WIlliam + Mary's joint program with St. Andrew's University?

DD is interested in international colleges/programs and this seemed like it could be a fit. We have official info from the tour but I was hoping for any personal experience.

We know someone in the program now who is just starting her senior year at W&M after two years abroad. I think she enjoyed her time in St. Andrews, but I don’t have much specific knowledge about her experience.

This would be my concern.

You go to W&M. You leave. You come back - and have to start again because you’ve been gone for years.

I hope OP gets feedback from kids in - but that would be my concern if I was a student/parent.


If she hasn’t already done so, your daughter should sign up for one of the virtual student panels hosted by the admissions office. The next one is on September 11. It will give her a chance to hear from students currently in the Joint Programme and ask questions.


Your daughter might also want to read through these blogs from the Joint Degree program.

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I have a friends daughter who went through the program and loved it. She is now getting her PHD at Oxford. I think kids that do well in this type of program are pretty flexible to new places and people; and thrive on different experiences.


We have a friend who is on her way this week, to St. Andrew’s! She is so excited.
Outstanding program!!

Thanks so much, everyone – so many helpful replies! We will look at the blog and check out the student panels. Thank you!

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