<p>Hey, for some reason i didn't think this would bother me like it doesnt now. I am so excited and completely happy with NYU. I am a transfer student from PSU. I keep thinking about something hapenning like 9-11 or even bigger than 9-11. I don't know where this came from. everyone keeps telling me not to worry or just live life, but i don't want to go to NYU just to worry about the slim/great chance of something happening. I read "What-If" Scenario's online and they are scary. My parents just tell me not to worry, but i dont want this from stopping me from ahving a great time in NY.</p>
<p>When you get to NYU, go talk to someone in the school's counseling office. You are not the first student there with these fears, and you will not be the last. They will be able to help you.</p>
<p>Chiming in from California earthquake country here. It takes time, but you do get to the point where you don't give much thought to living in an area in danger of earthquakes, tsunamis and the nuclear power plant down the street blowing up. Hopefully, you'll become more comfortable with NY in time.</p>
<p>Hey, maybe you should look at Pullman, WA (WSU). Not alot to be afraid of there.</p>
<p>luckycharms...I am the exact same way. I will be in the shower and suddenly the thought will hit me like what if i got into a major car accident or my bf died, etc. You just need to rationalize through your fears. I know it is hard, but if it is interferring with your life, you need to do something about it. Talk to someone. If you dont want to go to a professional, then at least talk with a close friend that you trust. Make a journal of your fears and when you have them and then write down thoughts to rationalize and appease that fear. While it is good to be cautious and concerned, too much concern can be harmful.</p>