<p>Hey y'all! This is my first post and i'm just looking for some tips on how to study for the SAT. I signed up to take the March 14 SAT; this will be my second time taking it. I took it as a sophmore and got a 2070 (610 M, 740 W, 720 CR). I really want to get above 2300 this time around and my math scores need the most help. What books/techniques do y'all reccomend? I'm willing to do any amount of work to get the score I want. </p>
<p>oh god i just realized i sound sooo country using "y'all." i swear i'm not a redneck! lol</p>
<p>I took a practice test from the blue book a couple of times a month for almost a year (and when I ran out, I hunted down old tests), and took a prep course which sort of helped strategy-wise with the math section (they like to repeat certain types of problems, and there are good ways to approach each type). </p>
<p>I think you’ll reach your goal, if not this time, then in the fall (you are a junior right?). Repetition, repetition, repetition. (By the way, I went from 2100 in Jan to 2350 in Oct)</p>
<p>thanks! right now i’m studying vocab and math each day but i needed to find some entire practice tests so i’ll have to hunt down that blue book =]</p>
<p>You can definitely bring your score up a lot by improving math. Get the blue book. but if you need extra math help, you should check out gruber’s. I heard that if you actually go through gruber’s, you are well on your way to an 800.</p>