I recently took the March 21 ACT with my school. My results were as follows:
Math: 27 Science: 26 English: 35 Reading: 34 Composite: 31
This was my first time taking the test, and I didn’t really practice for it as much as I should have–only a few questions of the day on the Ready4ACT app. My math and science scores were definitely substantially worse than I expected. Any advice for improving my score on these two sections would be amazing. My goal is to score a 33-4 on the June ACT so that I can be eligible for my dream schools. Is it feasible for me to improve my composite that much with practice, or is this score supposed to represent the score I could receive even with additional effort?
I can link to a printed version of my scores just in case anyone is curious. I only missed two questions in both the English and the reading sections.
Magoosh offers a few free videos on the different tests. https://act.magoosh.com/lessons
I would review the ones on science and math. The one about pacing on the science test should be really helpful. On the math test, you need to be able to skip a question and come back to it later if it’s going to take a while. Make sure you have time to answer all of the ones that you know. You can learn a lot by looking at the answer choices on the math test as well. If you review some concepts, like the 3-4-5 and 5-12-13 right triangles, it will save you some time on the test.
Watch the free videos, take a timed test, figure out where you need to improve. I think you can improve those scores quite a bit. You have a good reading score. The science test is basically about reading comprehension. Don’t let the words and terminology freak you out. Figure out what the question is asking, find the table, graph, or text that gives info on that, and answer the question. I like to save the conflicting viewpoints passage for last because it takes the most time. The tables and graph questions are easier. With practice, you quickly learn to look at the labels and learn to identify trends. Reviewing science lessons from high school is kind of a waste of time. Generally, there seem to be less than 3 questions that you can’t answer just from the text and figures.
I raised my score from 25 to 33 in science.
- timing is everything. Read the information and diagrams first. Notice patterns. 5 min for medium passages, 3 for simple, 6 for double perspectives.
- Notice what “type” of questions you are missing. Conceptual? Experimental?
- Once you take so many tests, the questions and answers will literally pop out at you.