<p>Are there any transfer applicants still waiting for your decisions?
When did you guys submitted your application?</p>
<p>I once called the admission office and they said some applicants may probably have to wait until April... That's really a long time?</p>
<p>btw, any College of Arts and Science applicants(transfer) there?</p>
<p>i’m an international transfer student, and i’m still waiting for the decision. i submitted my apps sometime around the end of dec before christmas, but i’m applying to newhouse. however, i have two friends (international transfers as well) to the college of arts and science and they both got accepted about three weeks ago. when did you submit yours?</p>
<p>i submitted my application a bit late, around Jan 25th, and according to the website they will consider those applications on a space-available basis…
have anyone joined the transfer chat and asked whether the college of arts and science still have spaces for transfers?
btw, where are you from?</p>
<p>I am a transfer applicant… and I called the school to ask when I should be hearing back. She told me that transfers can hear anytime between March and May because they sometimes request Spring transcripts. I told her I was applying for the dual program in Newhouse and the School or Arts and Science and she said there will still be spots for transfers. So… don’t be discouraged. I guess mostly freshman will be hearing these rounds, and we might be hearing back a lot later. </p>
<p>She also told me that my application was still in review and she wasn’t sure when I would hear back from them at the moment because they might request additional paperwork (or that could be because my transcripts took forever to get there, or at least it took forever for the website to update that they had gotten them.) </p>
<p>I would really say, try calling the school and they will tell you a better status of your application than the website does. And yes Art and science still has space. </p>
<p>She said for transfers who submit late, or who they don’t have any more space for in will start to get more offers once people start decline (which also frees up FA money) and when people miss the deadline for submitting their deposits. So I would say all transfers keep your head up they seem to have a plan for us. They have us in out own lil special category! We’ll probably hear back the latest because it seems they want as many of us who “deserve” offers to get them rather than the discouragement of wait listing, which she said many transfers wouldn’t get. </p>
<p>The lady was rather nice so I would say if you have concerns, call the school and ask for information.</p>
<p>I applied as a transfer and heard back before just about any regular freshman students found out anything. I found out in very Early March</p>
<p>I said transfers who submit late… and those who applied on time but there were no more available spaces… not every body… And some of us would be asked to submit further paper work. Not all transfers.
The post was meant for those of us who haven’t heard back yet… this is what admissions told me.</p>
<p>I submitted my app just before the deadline and received the acceptance into Newhouse on Feb 24. First I got an e-mail saying they have reached a decision which brought me to a link with the acceptance. They then sent me a packet about a week later with the official letter and all of the other info. I’m still waiting for the FA package though… should be here any day now I hope! Best of luck to you all!</p>
<p>wow, you heard early! congrats!
i’m still waiting for mine, called them about a week ago and they said they’re still reviewing. it seems like forever, and i’m getting soo impatient. btw, leisha09, are you transferring from another uni in the states or are you an international transfer? i applied to newhouse too, do you mind posting your stats up so i can try and see how my chances are? thanks!! :)</p>
<p>no offense cdiamond, but i was responding to tianour, telling him when i received my decision.</p>
<p>I am not an international student and am transferring from a small community college in upstate New York with a great Radio/TV program. As a high school student I had about a 91 average and participated in very many extracurricular activities… prom committee, float committee, I was a class officer, yearbook, varsity volleyball player, and the list could go on. I was also in 3 AP courses (my high school didn’t offer many!) and Honors English. In college, the past three semesters I’ve had a 4.0, but cume it’s 3.9. I also am involved in many activities here-- mostly pertaining to my program-- involving myself in many on air and production opportunities. I also work a part time job off campus, and one on campus-- I’m a tutor. I was also in the Honors Program here at the college.</p>
<p>I’ll be honest though-- my SAT scores from high school were not that impressive, just about in the low end of their average. I also didn’t think my essay was all that great, but I did try my best to incorporate what I potentially want to do in my life (working in the media) with making a change. </p>
<p>I did get my FA package yesterday… and I thought it was pretty good! If you have any more questions, just let me know. Best of luck to you!!</p>
<p>leisha90, how much did you get in FA? i got about 21,000</p>
<p>I got about 33K… It was more than I thought I was going to get. How about you?</p>
<p>as i said lol about 21k. not sure if im going to take it, its still having to pay 30,000 a year. i could always go to Buffalo for almost nothing. really dont want to make my parents pay that much when i could go somewhere for much less, it’ll b a tough month for me of deciding.</p>
<p>haha… I meant was the 21K about what you expected? I’m still waiting for Emerson to get back to me, and I also got into Hofstra. Hofstra did just give me an 11K grant, but they’re not done with the final FA package.</p>
<p>it was roughly around what i expected. btw i live about 15 minutes away from hofstra.</p>