Any UA students here?

<p>I’m a HS senior in AZ who has applied to both AU, ASU, and so far a few out-of-state schools. </p>

<p>I applied to UA once the app was online and had a horrible experience, so I had to deal several times with the online “chat” help, who directed me to e-mail admissions, as well as speaking with admissions over the phone. Each time I had contact with someone from admissions I received a different story. UA admissions confirmed a computer glitch with the online app for all students who applied in early August, but the solutions I received didn’t make any logical sense; even my parents agreed and eventually called with their own questions. </p>

<p>Friends of mine have also had the exact same experience. A few, including myself, have also called admissions to ask a question regarding their questionable soultions to the computer glitch and the staff (some working students, some employees) were unknowledgeable, unhelpful, and sometimes rude. </p>

<p>Eventually I managed to complete the UA online app without a problem, but it wasn’t as user-friendly as ASU. Since it was a revision to my original app, I didn’t receive a confirmation it was completed, which I expected. Admissions told me they don’t e-mail confirmation of application completion. </p>

<p>I really like UA and enjoyed the tour of the campus. I’ve heard from a cousin who attended UA for a while that the administration (from admissions to advising to financial aid, etc.) is just awful. I’ve certainly had enough experiences with different staff members so far to see how that could be true, but I’m frankly surprised. I really like UA and so far have had great experiences with all my applications to other schools.</p>

<p>Can anyone speak to whether administration is truly like this at UA? Thanks.</p>