Any Virginia Tech people here that can help me out?

<p>I'm in quite a predicament. I recently got accepted to Virginia Tech (Wooooooohhhoooooooo), but I've got a problem. I had submitted a form requesting a major change from Psychology to Engineering. For those people that do know, the College of Engineering is a restrictive major that recquires a better gpa and better academic profile overall than all the other majors. My problem is even though I was accepted to VT, they never switched my major to Engineering. So I sent an email discussing my problem and they said they would review my application again to see if I could get into the College of Engineering. My question is how hard is it to get into the College of Engineering compared to other majors? And what are my chances of getting in AGAIN? (ps, I'm not worried that I will not go there. The woman said that b/c I already got into the Psychology major, that if I were to try to change my major to Engineering and get rejected, I could still major in Psychology).</p>

3.7 gpa
1240 SAT score - 660 math, 580 reading.
Decent extracirculars, nothing too great. (But I know VT doesnt really look in EC's anyway)
One of the best things I got going for me is my grandfather is on the advisory board for chemical engineering at VT and is quite an active person there. He does not believe in pulling strings or anything to get me in, but I do think it probably helps to put his name down on my application. </p>

<p>So, what do you think are my chances? Thanks.</p>


<p>Shall i bump again?</p>

<p>bump till anwser.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you can still get in for Engineering.</p>

<p>You will probably get deferred. Fairfax county early decision to engineering is getting harder for tech. i got into it, but most people at my school with your stats got deferred.</p>

<p>Even though I have already been accepted though? Damn, now I’m getting scared.</p>

<p>VT is major blind. Even if you reapply and don’t get in to engineering, they may say “you didn’t get into engineering, but you got into our school as an undecided student.” I applied as architecture but I am pretty sure I won’t get into that major. Your stats seem good enough for engineering there if I had to decide for you. Also, try emailing the engineering department if you want to ask them how hard it would be to get in engineering once you are on campus.</p>

<p>I just reread your post. Don’t be scared you won’t get in if the office already said you could do a different major.</p>