Any whispers on the number of NMF in the incoming freshman class?

<p>Has anyone heard any speculation on the number of NMF in this fall’s freshman class? Most of us anticipate a significant decline from this year’s 240 due to the reduction in housing from 4 yrs to 1 yr. While UA typically doesn’t formally announce the numbers until January, they would certainly have to know the number by now.</p>

<p>I am wondering if the delay in formally announcing scholarships for the upcoming applicants has any connection to a big dropoff in NMF in the incoming class. Perhaps UA is looking at a 4-yr housing stipend for NMF, which would reinstitute the housing benefit but address the concern over housing availability (and they essentially had this in prior years when they offered The Bluffs and East Edge as NMF housing options)? Or maybe UA is considering a “full tuition +” scholarship above Presidential for very high stats (say 35+)?</p>

<p>With applications increasing and housing in a squeeze (thought it should improve Fall 2014), I’d think they don’t feel the need to do any scholarship increases.</p>

<p>Last year there was a thread posted on here in September, giving info on #s for 2012-2013…so, I’m guessing that similar info will not come out until a few months yet.</p>

<p>I speculate that UA will not chop & change on the housing stipend to reinstate it - it’s not their style. They will stay the course. Their vision is longer-term, not an annual knee-jerk.</p>

<p>^^Right. NMSF aren’t notified until they are back in school.</p>

<p>I also believe that there is a long term plan and that there will not be arbitrary scholarship changes. Increasing the package after reducing it would upset a lot of 2013 NMF who came to UA even after the decrease. UA is not in the business of stirring up bad will among current students.</p>

<p>Well, the numbers are known because of the iPad order. Dr Sharpe has taken care of that in the past, so he likely knows.</p>

<p>“Their vision is longer-term”. I agree, and paramount in that long-term vision established by Dr Witt has been a committment to increasing the perception and standing of UA academically. If reducing the NMF package has a negative effect on academic standing, or if adding a higher-level scholarship has the ability to improve academic standing, I would not be surprised to see UA tweak their scholarships accordingly. They are smart folks. Incent the results you are trying to achieve.</p>

<p>Or maybe UA is considering a “full tuition +” scholarship above Presidential for very high stats (say 35+)?</p>

<p>Bama does do this for A&S students with ACT 35-36. </p>

<p>Of course, Eng’g students already get a bonus.</p>

<p>“Bama does do this for A&S students with ACT 35-36”</p>

<p>m2ck - Revisiting the old “hidden/unmentioned” scholarship discussion, I was informed by a decision-maker at UA that what you are referring to is exclusively for 36 (or 1600), not 35-36 as has been speculated. Everything I have seen on CC regarding actual awards confirms the 36/1600 requirement.</p>

<p>“More than 600 National Merit Scholars are enrolled at UA, including 126 in the freshman class”</p>

<p>And now we know. A drop of almost 50% in NMF’s “captured” from 2012 to 2013.</p>

<p>Explains the near-U-turn on the scholarship offer for next year over current.</p>

<p>@Bull87 - What is the extra scholarship for A&S 36’ers?</p>

In the past, it’s been around $4000 per year in addition to full tuition…and it seems to go to those who apply early in the rolling admissions, so apply now.</p>

<p>126 still is very impressive. I bet UA is still in the top 10 or top 15 for NMF enrollment. But it will be even better next year.</p>