Any wildcat in U of A/ hello?

<p>Any wildcat in U of A/ hello?</p>

<p>My D has UofA as one of her choices. In state costs and the weather are hard to beat. The Eller School of Biz is decently ranked. Whats your UA history?</p>

<p>I got accepted to HOnors college with President's scholarship,so will probably go there if can't get in to top 20 unis</p>

<p>Shawn, What other schools did you apply to? What does the Presidents scholarship offer? Are you from Tucson?</p>

<p>The president's award thing is supposed to be a tuition waver for the U of A. Which is about 4,000 in-state. But it says that it is worth like 6,000 on the paper they sent to me describing it. It is given to people in the top 2 percent of their graduating class. All of my friends are going to go to U of A but I don't really want to. I got accepted into the Honors College. I applied to Rice, UVa, and UNC chapel Hill. If I get accepted into any of those schools I plan on going to any of them.</p>

<p>Jazzy1 I applied to several Ivies like Princeton, cornell, dartmouth , plus duke, jhu, and wash u. The President's scholarship offers me $7000 , but tuition alone would take away $4000. No, i'm not from tucson, from North Phoenix area</p>

<p>torrestowers , so what part of Arizona are you from? hope you get in to the other schools</p>

<p>I'm from tucson. I've been here all my life so I really hope that I get into my other schools also. Shawn, those school are incredible that you applied to. I hope you get in. Are you valedictorian with amzing ecs and test scores? you probably are if you are applying to all those ivies. why is my scholarship only for 6000? that's weird. How much did you get from ASU? the valedictorian from my school got 7000 from ASU and 6000 from U of A. Maybe each college does like a trade off between the cities.</p>

<p>My daughter only got offered 2000 from ASU and UofA. The problem is that they go primarily from class Rank. Her school is University High School in Tucson where they dont rank their students (thank god!). so she cant get the up front offers. They claim other scholarships might kick in later due to her Scores andextra curricular etc. She did apply and get in at other schools though. U of Minn has offered her 16,000 so far and we're still waiting to get the fin aid from BC, BU, UofWisc, and acceptance into NYU. You two must have done well at your schools to get the scholarship you did!</p>

<p>I'm most likely going to UofA (as I'm wearing my Arizona sweatshirt). I'm getting 19,500 a year for National Merit, so that's pretty sweet. I went on a paid visit about a week ago and completely fell in love with it. Yay me.</p>

<p>to Torrestowers: My brother went to UVA, and it's awesome. If I could have gotten scholarships from them, I would have been there in a second. UNC is also really nice. I applied there as well on a fluke. We were visiting Duke, decided why not check out UNC and I ended up liking Chapel Hill a LOT better. So good luck to you.</p>

<p>Is U of A good for economics?</p>

<p>I'm not sure about economics. They are however, ranked #20 in the nation as a business school. Thier MIS program is #3 behind MIT & Carnegie Mellon. Thier entrepreneurship program is ranked # 9. These rankings are this year's US News' rankings. Can't beat the weather though!</p>

<p>torrestowers : Yeah, i used to be a valedictorian , but with B's i got on last semester's grades, I'm now salutatorian. I scored above 1400 on SAt with combined scores, and have half a dozen involved ecs. The amount of the Uof A scholarship bases on class rank on what geographical region you come from, I think. I hope I can get into the ivy league or equivalent schools, but then again, they might cost a lot, so I'll be happy to go to UA. I also want to go to med school later.</p>

<p>I am applying for the review process because I did not get into honors college:</p>

600M 690V
out of state: recieved scholarship Wildcat excellence 2000$</p>

<p>Is anyone going to UA for sure? I am!</p>

<p>I might go to UofA next year. I'm coming from NY next week to visit but I have really liked everything I've heard about UofA so my expectations for my visit are very high (of all the schools I've heard from, it's definitely the one I like the most but I haven't heard from everyone.)</p>

<p>Oh, and I got the $2000 dollar Arizona Excellence scholarship with a 1360 SAT and low GPA.</p>

<p>I got into U of AZ and its lovely, but I also got into Pitzer college in Cali- i adoire Pitzer alot, but U of AZ is cheaper even though i'm from NY- what to do?!</p>

<p>Yeah I got into U of A Honors. But I've also been accepted to UT-Austin. I haven't been to U of A yet. I love UT! IT's amazing. BUT...U of A is giving me an 8000 scholarship per year and good financial aid package. Texas hasn't sent me my fin. aid package yet ...grr but I'm assuming it won't be great. I'll probably be going to U of A. I'm from Nebraska so I'd have to pay out of state either way. But U of A is probably the better deal. Anyone in the honors program at U of A? How is it?</p>

UT Austin was my top choice but I got rejected. However, I visited U of A last week and the campus was just awesome. The surrounding area didn't look so great (but then again I only drove on Speedway Boulevard and I hear 4th avenue on the other side of campus is way nicer) but I really liked the school and am going to U of A next year.</p>

<p>If you compare U of A and UT Austin, UT Austin definitely has it beat in the reputation category. However, U of A honors is supposed to be good and U of A has some very good academic programs (the business school for example is ranked 20th in the country.) You should really visit U of A if you can and then make a decision. You are really going to have to weigh the money options, will it be worth that much more money to go to UT? Even though U of A doesn't have the greatest reputation, if you are in honors and plan to major in one of the programs U of A is nationally recognized in, you are getting a VERY good deal. Even though I didn't get into UT Austin I'm really happy that I have the opportunity to go to U of A. It isn't the most selective school but I really liked the campus and the weather is awesome. :)</p>

<p>The Wildcat Excellence Award scales based on how "meritorious" your application is. I believe it can go up to $7000 (might be 6k.. I forgoet). Anyways, if you WEA is only 2k, the Honors College might be a long shot....</p>

<p>I'm still deciding between U of A and UC Boulder.....</p>