Anybody else anxiously awaiting ED notification?

<p>Time seems be to dragging.....fingers and toes crossed for all waiting to hear. 1 month to go.</p>

<p>Same boat dude best of luck. Major?</p>

<p>University Studies. I can not decide. I may want Biology, Animal Studies, Math or maybe Education so thought that would be the best option for now. You?</p>

<p>Engineering. I might minor in math too. I havent decided.</p>

<p>Brother is a Junior in ME. My dad graduated in CEE, so did my grandpa. Guess I am breaking the engineering trend. Good Luck!</p>

<p>the 15th is too far away :(</p>

<p>I sent in my application on October 10th, making the waiting period even longer. I’m so nervous, I applied as a marketing major but I don’t think I’ll get in. Best of luck to everyone!</p>

<p>What is everyone’s second choice (school, not major) and why?</p>

<p>I contacted admissions and it’s official</p>

<p>December 11 at 5PM!</p>

<p>You can see the conversation on the FB page for undergraduate admissions</p>

<p>woohooo! i’m so nervous</p>

<p>Me too. Thanks for the update on timing.</p>

<p>Does living in nova decrease my chances? I’m majoring universal studies (undecided.)</p>

<p>Accepted (:</p>

<p>Congrats…Deferred. Not sure how/if many deferred at this stage actually get in during RD. So disappointed.</p>