<p>I heard from Carnegie Mellon for Statistics more than a week ago, but am still waiting on UPenn, Columbia, Harvard, Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Yale, and Cornell. Just wondering if anybody else has heard back from any of these schools? Thanks!</p>
<p>Hi eastwind87</p>
<p>I haven’t heard back from any school yet, though my applications were submitted just a week before the deadlines. Are you applying for an MS or a Ph.D?</p>
<p>My schools : Penn, Columbia, Chicago (Ph.D), Penn State, UMichigan, UIUC (Masters)</p>
<p>All the best!</p>
<p>I applied for PhD for all my schools. Rather disappointing that we sent in our apps for UPenn in mid-December, and just got a notification from them that everything is complete and they’ll notify me in March-April. How can it possibly take THAT long?</p>
<p>It looks like Duke has started sending out offers:
[statistics</a> • thegradcafe.com](<a href=“http://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=statistics]statistics”>http://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=statistics)</p>
<p>For Penn, I think last year the offers / rejections went out in early Feb (around the 12th):
[wharton</a> statistics • thegradcafe.com](<a href=“http://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=wharton+statistics&t=a&pp=25]wharton”>Grad School Admissions Results for 2006–2025 • thegradcafe.com)</p>
<p>Oh man, how come all the people listed under Penn were rejects…</p>
<p>Does anyone know if grad schools interview Statistics PhD applicants before they make a decision? I heard Harvard Statistics invited ~10 people for interview.</p>
<p>Really? Where did you hear this from? Did this already happen? I haven’t been interviewed by any of my schools so far, and so far got 3 accepts/1 reject… but if I wasn’t invited to interview with Harvard, I guess I’m going to be rejected there…</p>