Anybody use Yahoo Answers?

<p>Me… though not as much as I used to. I mostly hung around B&A and R&S. Yay for answering stupid questions!</p>

<p>I used to use it (41% best answer out of a 1077 - was at one point a “top contributor”) a lot but I haven’t recently. People really underestimate it. While there are a lot of jackass answers and questions which go without a good answer, there’s a lot of great information on there as well.</p>



<p>I’m almost level 4… so close.</p>



<p>Ya, I do the same. If people would just read about other religions they would see how ridiculous a lot of the stuff they bring up is.</p>

<p>I am a Level 4, with 33% Best Answer, and I am also a former Top Contributor in the Video & Online Games category. As you can see, I LOVE Y!A.</p>

<p>^^Haha, that’s great. If I only answered in the education section then i would have a lot more best answers. I like to answer in the religion section though, so usually the best answer goes to some idiot.</p>

<p>^^ Lol. I use to answer a lot in the religion section too, but I couldn’t take it anymore. That has to be the most “heated” category on Y!A.</p>

<p>^^Haha, I know. I stopped going on that section for about a month because I couldn’t take it. It is ridiculous, so many people have no clue what they are talking about too…</p>

<p>I heard the politics section was also pretty “heated”, but personally I think R&S is the most.</p>

<p>I think it’s an awesome site. Great for advice in life, amazing for HW help, and it’s a nice place to go help others / express ideas.</p>



<p>I agree! I love to help kids with math homework (even though I know some of them are just being lazy). Also, you get people with all different life stories that come together and help answer your questions. It is really great to see all the good advice (even though sometimes it’s not all good advice).</p>

<p>I love it. I used to be addicted to it, in the teenage section, 2 or 3 years ago, but there are too many stupid ■■■■■■. I’m mostly in the education section now.</p>

<p>I’m level 5 with 21% best answers. I used to really suck, so my percentage is low. I have 1664 total answers.</p>

<p>I’m also guilty of being in the religion section. The only section crazier was politics.</p>

<p>Some questions and answers are hilarious. This one is a personal favorite.</p>

<p>[Who</a> should I chose? |](<a href=“]Who”></p>

<p>The last answer is epic.</p>

<p>The religion section isn’t crazy. It’s just a war between DEVOUT Christians and Christian haters. </p>

<p>Us non-Christians and non-Christian-haters are the minority who try to keep the peace. </p>

<p>I enjoy irritating people though by giving Christian answers (or defending Christianity) and signing my answers with a Wiccan blessing :).</p>

<p>Has anyone ever ventured into the politics section? It’s seriously INSANE. 99% of the people on there are conservatives and only rash talk everyone else/report them if they don’t agree with them, it’s nuts! And I answer questions all over the place, education, fashion, reality tv, etc.</p>

<p>I really just like searching whatever random thing pops into my head and see what questions come up and everybody’s opinions. Like yesterday I was watching tv and I saw like an 8 year old girl wearing eyeliner, so I typed in “eyeliner age” to see at what age people thought it was appropriate to start wearing eyeliner at, and then I realized I was old fashioned since I think 15 is a good age to start and everyone else was like 12 and then I thought, what the heck.</p>