Anyone Accepted Yet?

<p>Has anyone gotten their acceptance letters yet? I am so nervous about getting accepted and just wondering if they have sent out any acceptances yet. </p>

<p>What is everybody's stats that applied?
Here's mine:
1340 SAT
average SAT IIs
2nd in class of 133
Yearbook editor
internship at local bank
part time job for 1 1/2 years
a couple other clubs and activities</p>

<p>What do you think my chances are? It is my #1 choice.</p>

<p>I just called admissions and all letters are being sent March 1, hang tight! good luck</p>

<p>all letters are being sent then? not just the first few students?</p>

<p>melfly you'll get in, your stats are welll above the average.</p>

<p>really gpa and sat are the main factors. </p>

<p>don't sweat it.</p>

<p>Thanks MMood87, everyone says I shouldn't worry about getting in, but I still have my doubts. I'll feel so much better once I find out officially. MMood, are you a student at Geneseo or did you apply?</p>

<p>admissons office says we'll hear by wednesday or thursday and everything's at the post office.</p>

<p>i'm a high school senior, believe me you'll get in </p>

<p>why? you're number 1, and your sats are above the average.</p>

<p>its a SUNY it doesn't take that much to get in</p>

<p>(i know like 20 people who got in with far less stats)</p>

<p>they won't reject you lol</p>

<p>blahrg, tomorrow is the day they send them out? Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>I got in. 1380 SAT, 32 ACT, 760 Writing, 740 Math IIC, 660 Spanish, 3.8 UW. It is my 5th choice though haha, so I probably won't be going.</p>

<p>Did you find out today? I haven't gotten anything yet.</p>

<p>1420 SAT
680,670,660,650,640 SATIIs
3.9 GPA
38/465 class rank</p>

<p>Just got in as a transfer student, 3.5 GPA at a CC, 1400 SAT, African American Male. Definitely attending.</p>

<p>^^sup goon (djz here).</p>

<p>everyone should be hearing this week.</p>

<p>not at all interested in going but if i'm rejected (i'm sure it won't happen) it will mean very bad things for my other schools.</p>

<p>Hah, goons everywhere, amazing. Where else are you applying?</p>

<p>I got in too. However, I'm probably only going if I can't afford to go where I really want to...</p>

<p>I got my acceptance letter today. Ditto to the remark made by legionnaires.</p>

<p>Accepted today, yay!</p>

<p>rkelly: got my acceptance letter today :)</p>

<li>NYU </li>
<li>Wash U in St. Louis</li>
<li>College of William and Mary</li>
<li>Tulane (accepted)</li>
<li>SUNY-Binghamton (accepted)</li>

<p>NYU and Cornell are my two top choices though.</p>

<p>I was accepted :).</p>

<p>9000 applied 925 spots available? Wow.. did they really get that competitive?</p>

<p>Are you serious....thats just over 10 percent acceptance thats very surprising for a SUNY school, dont ya say? Let's use term - irony!</p>

<p>That is not the acceptance rate. That number in the 900's (?) is how many students decide to attend NOT the number they offered admission to.</p>