<p>Has anyone who applied with a Priority App. heard anything yet? Any ideas when decisions come out?</p>
<p>hello, hello5!</p>
<p>Not sure whether Drew is using the same timelines as in past years, but I think my D (Class of 2011) heard around Christmas.</p>
<p>My son heard right before the holiday’s too…I would think it would take that long to look them all over. At that time, all his EA’s were by Christmas or the first of the new year.</p>
<p>i got my acceptance letter for priority app today in the mail</p>
<p>Congrats! Hope you get many more.</p>
<p>My s got accepted also with a 12,000 merit scholarship. It’s not as much as he received from other schools and frankly with his stats I thought he’d get more. We’ ll just have to wait and see. It just goes to show you never know!</p>
<p>Hello5, the awards now can be “tweaked” later. I’ve heard of that more than once. Did they just tell you the merit aid or did they calculate the need-based money also?</p>
<p>My congrats as well to people who have gotten into Drew via Priority App!</p>
<p>Debruns is right. The financial aid package may be adjusted a bit later. In the meantime, students should also investigate and apply for some of Drew’s separate merit awards, if it’s not too late to do so. For example, my D applied for and got a Presidential Scholarship in the Arts. These can run as high as $10K. Finally if a student is really interested in Drew, I suspect there may be some room for negotiation this year. Many LACs are concerned that they will be looking at smaller classes as a result of the financial meltdown.</p>
<p>hey, i got baldwin scholarship and RISE Science scholar ship totaling 25.5k just merit based…im hoping to get full ride with financial aid (i definitely qualify)</p>
<p>Thanks for the information. May I ask, how is the “tweaking” intitated? My son has won some creative writing awards, so the other scholarship is a possibility ( if I can get him to apply himself to apply)…</p>
<p>You can call or send extra things in after emailing. Sometimes need-based isn’t given until after your latest Fafsa is in.
Ours wasn’t changed, but my son said a student there said he really wanted to go and they needed a little more, etc. and he got it. I don’t think it is usually large amounts but as one mom put it, 5,000 a year more isn’t a lot to some but over 4 years it is significant to me!</p>
<p>Hey yourmom…</p>
<p>That sounds like a great package. Congrats!</p>
<p>That is a great package,Yourmom, one of the largest merit scholarships they have. I don’t know if you sent your scores, but I do like that Drew gives merit scholarships to applicants that don’t, but have great grades and other criteria. Many other SAT optional don’t. It isn’t something most students discuss in college, but it came up over lunch one day and my son said, “At least the president puts his money where his mouth is” and it just isn’t lip service. This student received 20.000.</p>
<p>I don’t think we would qualify for need-based aid now, but by February–who knows!</p>
<p>yeah i sent scores, and tbh, i wouldn’t consider going to a school of Drew’s caliber unless they offered me full tuition because i do have the grades/scores/etc… to get into better schools, but if all else fails, and b/c Drew is close, i might go there</p>
<p>Yourmomgoes2colg, what are you looking at majoring in?</p>
<p>My D got into several fine schools including Smith, Bard, and Wheaton. All of her packages were in the same ballpark; but then she landed one of the Presidential Scholarships at Drew, which upped her direct aid $5K per year over the other schools. So while Drew wasn’t her first choice, financially it made the most sense for her and for us. Unlike many of her friends, she will be able to graduate without substantial debt. And I think it’s fair to say that she’s made a place for herself at Drew. She’s an RA this year, and she’s involved in various organizations on campus. In addition, she’s made several trips into NYC, which is an easy train ride away. Her main complaint is that it’s a little far from home (about five hours). </p>
<p>The bottom line is that everyone needs to take a holistic approach and take everything into account when you make your final decision. Most CC students will do well wherever they go. And on that positive note…</p>
<p>Good luck to all and happy holidays!</p>
<p>im probably gonna major in biology…and its a BIG plus that drew is at most 15 mins from my house</p>
<p>Do all PA letters go out at the same time? or do they go out depending on when you applied?</p>
<p>My son didn’t major in Bio, but loved his 2 Bio classes very much and had great professors. </p>
<p>I remember my son getting his acceptance and others on this site commenting for about a week, but I don’t know how much depended on timing and where the students live.</p>