<p>my schools is 1% african american, no joke. 1% black at a 80% asian school. i truly feel sorry for them. but some of them are like celebrities. our homecoming queen was black, and everyone voted for her just cuz she was black. i cant imagine being the only asian at a school.</p>
<p>I'm the only Hindu (I think).</p>
everyone voted for her just cuz she was black.
<p>That's stupid.</p>
<p>God forbid someone would vote for a white person just because they were the only white kid in school. That would be RACIST!!</p>
<p>My school has serious problems with diversity... no lie.
This is 04-05 and I am pretty sure that the diversity has dropped since.
Total Students: 703
American Indian: 0 0%
Asian American: 7 1%
Black: 6 .9%
Hispanic: 5 .7%
White: 685 97.4%</p>
<p>yea, and that is before I was there. I'm pretty sure that as of now, I personally have only seen like 2 asians and 2 blacks, and It is a small school. We have people trying to promote diversity... it isn't working haha.</p>
<p>My school's about 90% Hispanic, followed by 7% Europeans (Mostly French & Spanish), 2% African American, and 1% White. The beauty of living in Miami :) lol. </p>
<p>Oh and then there are the Soliman brothers. They're half Egyptian, half Cuban. Strage combination, lol.</p>
<p>High school in my district (small town, Mich.):</p>
<p>White: 98%
Black: 1%
Unknown: 1%</p>
<p>Sooo diverse.</p>
<p>Private prep school I'm going to next year: (ann arbor, mich.)</p>
<p>From their website: 25% of students self-identify as persons of color: 6% African American, 10% Asian American, 1% Hispanic American, 3% Middle Eastern, 5% multiracial. 1% of the student body are International students.</p>
<p>My school is < 1% asian.</p>
<p>50% Jewish
20% Black
5-6% Asian
5% Middle Eastern
I love my school's diversity!!!</p>
<p>I go to an engineering school where I would guess percentages are 69% asian, 30% white...and 1 hispanic girl and 1 black guy.</p>
<p>Judaism isn't a race, it's a religion.</p>
<p>you go to mission don't you</p>
<p>I beat everybody!!!!</p>
<p>~99.9% White</p>
<p>(We have over 1500 kids in my school, and only 1 Asian, and only 2 Hispanics)</p>
<p>Where do you live?? Kansas??</p>
<p>i'm one of two only koreans in my school we have 1200 students (6-12) i know, no diversity</p>
<p>Yeah, but diversity is more than race...my school has Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Muslims, Wiccans, etc...and even though not everyone is racially diverse, religious diversity also = cultural diversity, which is wonderful.</p>
<p>We only have 8 black people at my school - out of 1,000. And we don't have many Hispanic students either.</p>
<p>The majority here is spanish and black.
I think we have less than 1% asian. I've seen 3ish, maybe.</p>
<p>Wow. ^^ .......</p>
<p>Haha I go to a Jewish school. That's why we have virtually no diversity.</p>
<p>OP, who's to say they didn't vote for her just because they liked her as a person? Is the race-card necessary?</p>