<p>Anyone applying to Colgate for 09' spring transfer?</p>
<p>Have you guys received the decision letter yet?
I cannot find any information on the website about when will we be notified of the results, and I am a bit worried caz I'm an international applicant, the mails may be delayed.</p>
<p>And will the admission office post any message on 'My Colgate'? My page hasn't changed for ages.</p>
<p>I just find that my page changes, saying that </p>
<p>“Office of Admission has appreciated the contact we have had with you through your college search. We understand that you are eager to learn the outcome of your application. We have mailed our early decision option I decisions. Please note we do not give out decisions over the phone. You should expect to receive your decision within a reasonable amount of postal delivery time after December 11. We thank you again for your interest in Colgate and give you our best wishes for your college career.”</p>
<p>Then what about the transfer decisions?
Anyone knows?</p>