<p>Not until recently , I have been hearing from my acquaintances how tough it is to enter National University of Singapore.They say you need ~95% or even above , IIT-JEE rank (now JEE advance) , NTSE qualification.Is that true?Also are EC's required too?
Oh , BTW I am a CBSE student if that helps.I aim to get computer engineering over there.</p>
<p>It’s true.</p>
<p>For engineering, you’d need 96%+ .
For Finance/Economics, 94%+
For others, 90%+.</p>
<p>They don’t look at non-academics related activities.</p>
<p>Olympiad medals, JEE rank in the top 500 might help you get in with lower board marks.</p>
<p>yup…its the sad (or hapy :p) truth</p>
<p>@Rishav DAMN!!!how would I manage that sort of percentage?? Anyways thank for the precise answers…(at least the goal is clear in my mind now :p).Also that’s not stated on their website…so where did you get that data from?</p>
<p>@quiverfox mate definitely it’s the sad truth… I don’t know how am I going to score that much.</p>
<p>Rohan. those figures are not exact but only vary by a 05% in any case…from experience…not figures…wonder If I will be eligible to apply :)</p>
<p>[Home</a> | SUTD Singapore University of Technology and Design](<a href=“http://www.sutd.edu.sg/]Home”>http://www.sutd.edu.sg/)</p>
<p>This university is going to go places, I’m sure ahead of NUS and NTU</p>
<p>I learnt about this recently. The only negative seems to be the apply by date of 31st March (with marks) which means you may have to wait an year.</p>
<p>Extract from their site
MIT Collaboration</p>
<p>SUTD is developed in collaboration with MIT to nurture technically-grounded leaders and innovators to serve societal needs.</p>
<p>The collaboration with MIT will be multifaceted the development and offering of curriculum, establishment of a major co-located research center, and recruitment and professional development of SUTDs university leadership team and faculty.</p>
<p>The collaboration with MIT will focus on the development, collaborative offering and transfer of key areas and subjects to be taught in the curriculum. MIT faculty will play a significant role in developing a blueprint for the curriculum, including a structure for the curriculum and the degrees to be offered. Once the curriculum is in place, MIT will initially co-teach and then play an advisory role to permanent faculty recruited by SUTD.</p>
<p>MIT and SUTD will also develop a major collaborative research center, an International Design Center intended to be a hub of innovation in the field of design. It will fuel a long-term collaboration, and be strongly linked to the educational programmes at MIT and SUTD. SUTDs aspiration is for this center to become the best place in the world to conduct breakthrough research to address the grand challenges facing the world today.</p>
<p>@rohanrulesall - The cut offs aren’t stated anywhere. And the website might lead one to believe that 75% is the cutoff (while that actually is the minimum you need for applying, even with IMO/IPO/etc. medals).</p>
<p>I know this from experience… family, friends, family of friends, etc
And it is TRUE.</p>
<p>What Rishav says is true, a few years ago my son got into NUS. His XII CBSE english marks dipped to 70s (he later on scored a full on GRE…irony of sorts, thats CBSE english correction) overall percentage 95.2, he made it to National Physics and Chemistry Olymipiad and camps. Therefore he managed to get in. English marks are also important for NUS. Finally he went to IIT.</p>
<p>@quiverfox I suppose you meant a variation of 0.5%.Keeping in mind your mid term percentage,I guess you can surely hit 90 or above :D.But you already have UCBerkeley knocking your doors so it doesn’t matters much getting or not getting NUS :P</p>
<p>@rishav17 Oh god!Why do I have to hear the bitter TRUTH everytime
Anyways the data really seems legit for NUS.</p>
<p>@sramas SUTD looks like a good deal with MIT playing a role in the scene, but considering its new I might find it hard to convince my parents for such a university.
Managing 95.2 with 70 in english is great.I think,NUS seems to love olympiads.</p>
<p>That’s some optimism for a change I don’t think It should be very worrying in any case.</p>
<p>Do you by any chance know the cost of attending NUS…?</p>
<p>Haha!optimism for a change
Here are the related links:
<a href=“https://share.nus.edu.sg/registrar/info/ug/UGTuitionCurrent.pdf[/url]”>https://share.nus.edu.sg/registrar/info/ug/UGTuitionCurrent.pdf</a> (Tuition fees)</p>
<p><a href=“https://share.nus.edu.sg/registrar/info/ug/UG-Mandatory-Miscellaneous-Fees.pdf[/url]”>https://share.nus.edu.sg/registrar/info/ug/UG-Mandatory-Miscellaneous-Fees.pdf</a> (Miscellaeous expenses)</p>
<p><a href=“http://nus.edu.sg/osa/has/undergraduate/hostel-rates[/url]”>Office of Student Affairs; (hostel and meal plan rates)</p>
<p>Just add them to get a rough estimation.</p>
<p>Both ntu and nus have some excellent scholarships, please check the sites.</p>