Anyone applying to transfer for Spring 09?

<p>Tomorrow is when they started sending out acceptance and rejection letters, so good luck people!
Let us know if you got in! And if you got in, post your stats!</p>

<p>I am applying. I have not submitted my app yet though, so it will be a little while. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>good luck! tho i thought the deadline was 2day =/</p>

<p>wow, I don't know why I thought it was november 1st. I am such an idiot, it's amazing. I guess I am not applying for the spring. I can't believe I did this. Good luck rpeezy</p>

<p>dude im guessing you can still apply for today. just submit your application now and if you can rush your college transcripts (AS long as they are postmarked today) you can still submit an application.</p>

<p>you don't need a recommendation to apply as a transfer, tho its probably useful, but if you want you can go get a teacher to write you a recommendation real quick today and send it off and make sure its postmarked. I thought the app deadline was later as well but irealized last week and submitted all my materials REAL fast, even fedex-overnighted the recommendation and transcripts. But u dont even need to do that, as long as they are postmarked TODAY it'll be good.</p>

<p>So you still have time dude, don't lose hope. </p>


<p>I<code>m quite exited now! I didn't know it was that quick. My app is incomplete because I haven</code>t sent the Bank Statement yet. I hope it wont be a problem.</p>

<p>yeah i don't think that matters. all you need for a COMPLETE application is transcripts and the application. the bank statement is more a financial aid thing?</p>

<p>No, that is a GW challenge for international students. Its like a proof of income.</p>

<p>oh yeah, basically showing you can afford it so they don't have to waste their time processing your app.</p>

<p>no reply getting kinda worried................</p>

<p>yea, no reply. Anyone know the latest date a person can receive the result? they never gave me a gw id, so i cant check online =(</p>

<p>call them and get your gwid. thats what i did.
called them yesterday they said they're gonna start sending notification after NOV 1st, not Oct 1st as 'advertised' on their website.</p>

<p>dang. just got my gw id, it says my HS transcript wasn't received when I sent it in like 4 weeks ago. Does someone have the address where your supposed to send the HS transcript to? I just want to make sure I have the right address.</p>

<p>they're usually late on posting things, but call or email them to let them know and they should update. most likely they have indeed received it but didn't update it within their system. call or email them.</p>

<p>do they post the results online?</p>

<p>Has anyone heard back yet?? Im getting nervous…</p>

<p>Call them, they took two weeks longer than the date they orgininally told me they’d reply. But I deffered so I don’t know what dates Spring transfers hear back.</p>

<p>how did u defer?</p>

<p>I’m getting nervous too. I haven’t heard anything from them.</p>

<p>I deferred by requesting the application. I had personal reasons though, and they do usually ask you for a reason as to why you want to defer.</p>