Anyone applying?

<p>I am asuming from the utter lack of recent posts in the Hampshire category that no one other than me is particularly interested in this school. However, I just thought I'd check to see if anyone out there is interested or even (like me) considers it their top choice. Cheers.</p>

<p>I am's not my top choice however. I had an interview with an alumni member a few weeks ago.</p>

<p>At least someone else is applying! What other schools are you applying to? I nicked a lot off of my list, so now I'm down to just Amherst, Middlebury, Grinnell, and a state school in addition to Hampshire.</p>

<p>My friend is applying to Hampshire and he considers it his first choice. He also applied to some state schools and Marlboro. He told me he had an AWESOME interview and that he loves the school (he visited). He even tried to persuade me to apply, but it was too late by then. I think he'll get in, too.</p>

<p>It is not too late to apply...the deadline is the 15th... I, too, had an AMAZING interview. I want to go to this school more than I have ever wanted anything in my life.</p>

<p>lol Amherst and Hampshire from the same person?
They're sooo different! apart from the being in the same town thing (and they're in quite different parts)</p>

<p>Application mailed today!'s off my hands...excited even though it is not my top choice!</p>


<p>I'm applying to Amherst to make my parents happy. Meh...</p>

<p>im planning to go, its my top choice and i love everything about it....besides im originally from mass but went to FL which is like dying a painful death or worse....... and the schools here suck!! besisdes i wanna go out-of-state....up north back to civilization</p>

<p>I am so excited to hear about other people as excited about Hampshire as I am. I cannot wait for next year!</p>

<p>do they have a poli sci major there????</p>

<p>Hampshire doesn't have "majors" in the traditional sense (go to their website to read more about that), but yes, you can study poli sci quite easily there.</p>

<p>Hey:) I am applying to Hampshire, too. I want to study Physics. I am from Eastern Europe.I hope to be admitted because it is one of my top choices.</p>

<p>Hey Jack, I'm applying to Hampshire and Marlboro too. Just wondering, did your friend already decided where he's going? I still can't make up my mind between the two.</p>

<p>Hi -Hamshire was the very first school i visited. I live in japan so i started visiting schoolsin my Jr. year and hampshire was the first one I visited. i appled there EA and got in with a 7500 scholarship. i am interested in film and communications. I dont know if they have a good rep for that "major." I really wanted to go to ithaca, but they gave me no money at all. I got a freee ride at Green mountain College in Vermont ,but it is not as academically challenging as the rest of the schools I applied to and does not have a communication major. I still my go there though as I think I can go to Antioch for a year as part of GMC's eco league exchange program and study film there--anyone know anything about Antioch.
anyway I loved hamshire and it is on the top of my list--i just need some more money from them-- but i think it would be a great school to attend.I was also accepted to Bard and FSU and Rollins and Ithaca and Binghampton, but i would go to hampshire above all of them--still waiting to hear from univ of miami. </p>

<p>If you know anything more about hampshires film /video/communication program let me know. thanks.</p>

<p>They mail on the 27th!!! </p>

<p>Hampshire is my first choice by far.</p>

<p>how do you know that??</p>

<p>i talked to the senior director of admissions</p>

<p>I got in!!!!</p>

<p>I'm not sure if I'll go (my parents are definitely not fans!) but I'm glad I got in! With money too... anyone else get the Non Satis Scrire scholarship?</p>

<p>I'm so jealous! I can barely contain myself.</p>