Anyone applying?

<p>Unfortunately I am rejected by Hampshire. I got the letter today. Very very dissappointing letter - 2700 guys for 400 places.:(
I have to wait for 23 uni-s decisions.</p>


<p>Becchalk- My son was admitted EA with a Non Satis Scrire scholarship.</p>

<p>I got in!!</p>

<p>And now we wait for financial aide to see if it is feasable.</p>

<p>i got in EA with a 'to know is not enough' 7500 scholarship, but that is not going to be enough to make a go of it, so i am hoping i get some more aid from them, anyone else hear about the aid package yet.</p>

<p>I got in today-sweet puzzle! haha, would have been pretty sad if you put together the puzzle and it said..nope, sorry.</p>

<p>I thought the exact same thing tangledinblue. Did you already get your acceptance packet or just the little card and the puzzle? I haven't gotten anything but the latter yet, and I am so anxious to get the rest of it!</p>

<p>Update: I just got my packet, I got the 7,500 NSS scholarship, but I only have a total of 15k in aid, and i need at least 10k more. ****tttttt</p>

<p>loan city here I come!</p>

<p>I got in, but I'm not going. It stopped being my first choice when I realized I find so many trees to be suffocating and I need real mountains. Uh...
Oh yeah, I also got the Johnson scholarship and the National Merit scholarship...still not enough.</p>