Anyone Cuban Apply to Stanford?

<p>Sooo.....Anyone Cuban Apply early to Stanford...</p>

<p>I'm Cuban,
4.3 GPA,
Interact President Jr and Sr years,
CSF President Jr and Sr years,
Class Council (9-10th)
ASB Secretary (11th),
ASB Technology (historian) (12th)
My SATS are horrible - 650v, 680 cr, 720m </p>

<p>Interned at University of Pittsburgh this summer in Neurology dept. (love science)</p>

<p>I have awards, but I'm too lazy to write them -
National Hispanic Scholar though</p>

<p>I Coach Gymnastics - </p>

<p>You think being Cuban helps?</p>

<p>It may help, but you need way more than just ethnicity</p>

<p>Only if you are related to Mark Cuban</p>