I am about to graduate from my program. I should be feeling happy and relived but I feel miserable and sad. My parents forced me to major in something I did not like. My mental health has deteriorated servery over these last four years and I have been slipping into depression. I tried in my first semester to convince my parents to let me switch into a program I enjoyed but they were not having it. My father said I was not trying hard enough.
I hate myself and feel like I wasted years of my life. School can be draining and stressful if you are in a program you do not enjoy. The stress kills you. Its hard to get through a program you don’t like, even more in the final year.
I am posting this for students who have been forced into programs they do not like. GET OUT, SWITCH MAJORS. At the end of the day its your life, not your parents.
To parents who want to force kids into certain programs. I have heard a few success stories but nobody talks about the students forced to study. I am an example of this. Its 2:23 A.M. I am writing this post because I need someone I can talk with. I am a few weeks from graduating and I genuinely am depressed.