Anyone Else Applying to Eugene Lang?

<p>I'm applying to Lang as a type of safety, I have some qualms but when I think about it its becoming really appealing. My parents don't really like the idea of it though. I'm not sure what my intended major would be either. Any advice?</p>

<p>I’m applying. I kept going back and forth because I THINK I love the idea of it but it’s also really different. I’ve heard some negative things about it, but I’ve heard negative things about any school. What would your major at a traditional school be (or are you undecided)?</p>

<p>I was going to apply to Lang (had I not been accepted to my first choice school early decision, which I was), and one of my best friends is applying there (for psychology I believe). It was actually one of my top backup choices, I really loved it there when I visited (I actually took the tour twice for it, and I liked it just as much both times), even despite the negative things I’ve heard. It’s definitely different, but it seems like if you’re more on the creative side, like small discussion-based classes, and don’t mind not having a campus (and you really can’t beat the location), it seems like a great place to study. I also really liked the fact that you also have the opportunity at Lang to take classes at Sarah Lawrence, use NYU’s library, and start a graduate degree while you’re still an undergrad (my mom seemed to really love these aspects too about it, that’s what won her over on the tour…). I’d say it’s definitely worth it to at least apply if you think that you could see yourself there. Good luck to everyone applying!</p>

<p>I have no idea what I want to major in. I have no problem with the area but the people, but I figure any liberal arts school you go to now will be inundated with hipsters (but let’s not go there).</p>

<p>this thread is old but i’m bumping it up anyway because maybe something will be useful.</p>

<p>going to the new school is frustrating. unbelievably, unabashedly, unendingly frustrating. some of the students make you want to pound your head against a wall, some of the professors make you want to scream, the dorms are overpriced and the food is terrible, everything is expensive and the financial aid blows. the bureaucratic runaround is ridiculous. the politics are absurd. THAT SAID, i am incredibly happy with the education i’m getting here at lang. despite all the downfalls to this school, i know that the things i’m learning here are things that i could not learn anywhere else. most of my professors have been amazing, absolutely brilliant. even the ones i don’t mesh with class-wise are people i look up to and want to learn from. the opportunities for internships and graduate work are insane. i’m a media and cultural studies major and i’m planning to petition the school to acknowledge a concentration in education, and i’m so so so excited about the things i’m going to be able to do with this degree. i love my classes and i love my coursework and i feel legitimately challenged daily by the ideas that i am creating and working through. </p>

<p>if you’re not willing to put in the work and get excited about ridiculous theory or absurd paper topics or weird, seemingly endless arguments, you’re probably not going to like it at lang. it takes a very specific kind of person/thinker to get past the bull***** that goes on at the new school. </p>

<p>and yes, there are hella hipsters here. also everyone is loaded, which kind of sucks, especially when they pretend that they aren’t.</p>

<p>media studies? that’s what I plan to go for! anything really awesome about the major that might help me make my decision? thanks!
as for the people that make you want to bang your head up against the wall, I’m all for dealing with them (proud supporter of the war against hipster superiority)</p>

<p>I actually got accepted to Lang early Decision and I’m really excited about it. I’m from the West Coast and it just seems like an amazing opportunity that I have to go to the East Coast and get an education that according to egolikestomach, i can’t get anywhere else.</p>

<p>I’ve applied - its my top choice school besides Hampshire. I think I have a good chance of getting in. Of course, I’ve lived in a small town for most of life in Ohio so I’m really looking forward to the possibility.</p>