Anyone else applying to Wabash?

<p>Why no love for this school? It has been my favorite school all along.</p>

<p>Son applied (Early Action) Fall 2010 and was accepted to Wabash
(December 2010), then decided not to attend; took a gap-year off and he’s not attending any school during 2011-12. As a parent I was very impressed with Wabash, but Son decided (after visiting campus 5 times) that attending an all-male college was “unhealthy” (now he tells me!), and now he’s looking at co-ed university and commute. I wish you well on Wabash application (last year they accepted about 54%; a bit higher acceptance rate), and this year’s (Class of 2015) is 295 men compared to usual 250 Freshmen.
I’m regretting that Son is NOT one of those 295 Wabash men now, but he’s not excited about living on any college campus nor joining a fraternity (I recommend Greek Life if you go). Good luck on your college-search; Wabash is excellent, and there are girls not far away (De Pauw; Purdue; Butler), so don’t let the all-male population at Wabash scare you away. Son was influenced by homophobes; this distressed me since Son made decision against Wabash because these religious fundamentalists steered him away from getting an excellent education due to their “scare tactics” (homophobia). It’s only been 45 years ago that Harvard/Yale/Princeton, etc., became co-ed. Good luck!</p>

<p>My son is applying for Fall 2012 and has visited twice. I loved it, but then I went to an all women’s college. My son bought a sweatshirt on the last visit at wears it all the time. I hope he chooses Wabash. I see the benefits of an all-male college as:

  1. teaching tailored to the learning style of men (boys are falling behind because we teach to girls now);
  2. no distractions in the classroom - I am teaching 2 high school classes that happen to be all boys this year, and WOW! they are so much more engaged and animated without girls;
  3. no need to waste educational money on feminist crap;
  4. no need to cut sports for men or add sports for women in order to comply with Title IX;
  5. complete separation of academic and social time - and believe me, Wabash is more coed than most coed colleges on weekends;
  6. proven success - holy cats, Wabash grads are successful.
    And if you think guys go to Wabash because they’re gay, ummm you haven’t been there. It’s a guy’s guy place. Reminds me of our back yard on weekend nights - all the guys tossing frisbees, talking about stupid guy stuff, and just being guys. No wonder women flock to Wabash on weekends. They guys that get to go there are a lucky bunch.</p>