Anyone else catch the UW ref-Modern Family

<p>Last night? Eldest daughter was getting college responses. "UW-rejected". One of the creators and the head writer are UW alums.</p>

<p>H and I cracked up laughing…</p>

<p>didn’t seem like Haley was UW material…and Northwestern?? really??..</p>

<p>where was the waitlist from???</p>

<p>Did not say. Mom did say NU was a real stretch. Probably more subtle jabs from the UW guys.</p>

<p>maybe Haley should have applied to colleges more in her reach…I’m giving college advice to a fictional character.</p>

<p>Did she say “UW” or “UW-Madison/Wisconsin/etc.”</p>

<p>Because “UW” is generally accepted by most parts of this country to be Washington.</p>

<p>She said she didn’t get into “UCSB, Oregon, Wisconsin, or Northwestern”. I was wondering if it was Washington too, so I watched the episode lol.</p>

<p>Most parts of which country? The western part?</p>

<p>Udub means UWashington when said out loud- they don’t say U-doubleU. Confusing conversations one spring when UW son was going to Udub for the summer and one cousin was going to Wash U while another had Udub- all those UWs and Washingtons…</p>