Anyone else concerned about Omicron BA.2 variant [COVID-19]

Well, if the shoe fits…

No, not concerned. Vaccinated and boosted. No co-morbidities. Only wear mask where required.


Not concerned. Original Omicron swept through our fully vaccinated and boosted household a little over a month ago. BA.2 is going to do it’s thing.

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Since we don’t have any vaccinations in advance of this mutated virus, and masks were completely useless with Omicron (not that they were ever effective), I see no reason to turn on the news. I have better things to do than to worry in front of the TV.

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Sometimes people have concern not for themselves but for others. You know, friends/family who health is compromised, small children who cannot get vaccinated. That would be a reason to say “YES” to some degree for this thread. For nearly everyone. That’s my perspective.


Not sure where and how you got that idea.


perhaps cool-guy meant the single layer homemade masks that the masses were wearing as opposed to N95/KN95 & medical masks?


Even the homemade cloth masks had some effect during earlier outbreaks. They helped protect others to some degree when better masks weren’t available. I agree that they aren’t effective against Omicron.


I know two people (one in her mid-20s, type 1 diabetic, vaxed and boosted; one in her 60s, had Delta Covid six months ago, got J&J shot without booster) who were infected earlier this month. The young woman received antibodies and is just about recovered after two weeks (testing negative). Not sure about the older woman.

I still wear the mask I purchased from Kohl’s for 99c, three layers, not N95/KN95.
I’ve been to very crowded bus and theater in London with that same mask, and being to Sting concert with that mask.
Got tested many times for covid. Nothing so far.
But I don’t get flu either, no flu shots ever, I haven’t been sick of the flu for nearly 15-20 years now. I know my siblings get flu shots every year.

You do get that a pandemic is not “normal”, right?


Which is to kill or seriously harm a ton of people.


Just like Alpha, Delta and every variant before it. We haven’t been able to fully stop them yet. As I stated, Omicron moved through my fully vaccinated and boosted household. Because of being vaxxed and obtaining natural protection since having Omicron I feel protected regarding BA 2. The US isn’t doing anything different to protect against BA.2. it’s supposedly more contagious than original Omicron which moved through the population easily. BA.2 will do it’s thing.

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But boosters have waned for most of us. People keep writing that they were “vaxxed and boosted.” It’s been 5-6 months for most of us who were boosted.

If there are enough treatments available I have less concern. But Congress needs to provide funding and we need to keep the numbers down so that supply meets demand and so that a system for providing quick testing and treatment can be effective.

With prompt access to testing and treatment, I would be less concerned.


It sure is “doing something different”: removing mask mandates and pretending everything is back to normal, just as an even more contagious variant springs up. Given the large number of unvaccinated people here, or people with no booster, removing these msk mandates right now is about the most ill-advised thing possible, emphasis on the word “ill”.


I don’t think that’s true. It may be that long for those who were eligible to get the booster due to health concerns but if I remember correctly, it wasn’t opened up to the general public until November which is just four months ago. My husband is 5 months out right now, but I’m only 4 months and my two adult children both got their boosters in December so they are only three months out.


The next variant isn’t impacting us yet.

My concern is primarily for older folks and folks with medical conditions, most of whom had boosters earlier.

Mine was early Nov. so I am cautious. I also visit a 95 year old parent in a facility and have a kid with medical conditions- as I have written before.

I am in a study for immunocompromised patients and will have another antibody test at 6 months. At 3 months out I was still >2500.

My main point remains: people keep writing about being “vaxxed and boosted” but for everyone, those may wane. B and T cell protection may persist but we don’t know enough. Over time perhaps we will.


Agree, others boosted in January.

Like I said, “the US isn’t doing anything different to protect us from BA.2”.

Our “leaders” have decided that it’s time to stop putting as much focus on Covid. It’s happening on a national level. It’s not really advantageous for anyone in charge if Covid is still as powerful as it has been. It’s now being downplayed. Obviously we’re not going to see any new restrictions that we haven’t, that would mean things are getting worse. No matter what the reality may be.

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General COVID discussion should be on the main thread

Let’s limit this discussion to the latest variant please