Anyone else find the January 09 CR to be pretty easy?

<p>For some strange reason, I did. Mind you, my most recent CR score was 660 (on the much more difficult December 09 test).</p>

<p>Were there any major tricks this time that I may have overlooked? Or do I really stand a chance at 800 if I understood all of the questions?</p>

<p>Most people thought it was tougher than usual.</p>

<p>Short answer: No.</p>

<p>Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.</p>

<p>I’m gonna remember that one for future implementation.</p>

<p>Probably the toughest CR I’ve seen.</p>

<p>I found the Homogeneity and Rock n’ Roll ones to be pretty difficult.</p>

<p>The Rock n’ Roll one sucked. I thought the other passages were all pretty easy, and all were generally interesting and I had no trouble paying attention. I thought the vocab sections were also relatively easy. All the questions about the passages were generally very straightforward and simple.</p>


<p>I literally LOLed when I read your post. That hasn’t happened in a long time.</p>

<p>Anyways, I got a 720 on the December one; however, I found this one much harder.</p>

<p>Rock n Roll / Sea nomad readings were very difficult…</p>

<p>Nooooooooooooooo. It was really hard.</p>

<p>I second post #5. The homogeneity and sea nomads were pretty darn difficult, and boring too!</p>

<p>hard or easy is arbatrary
how kids do on that section depends on a varity of factors.
u seem to have lucked out</p>

<p>not that i care
but i though some testing agencies like the college board get ticked off when you talk about the test themselfs. especially considering that the test was today and some kids haven’t taken it yet. (i believe one of the times u sign were to agree not to discuss the content on the test)</p>

<p>anyways the English sections on the SAT are the reason y i took the ACTS instead</p>

<p>this one was HARD!! i wonder if the curve is going to be generous though. man there goes my chance for a 600 on this one…</p>

<p>“this one was HARD!! i wonder if the curve is going to be generous though. man there goes my chance for a 600 on this one…”</p>

<p>ON the Sat’s “if at once you dont succeed try one more time”
“If u still dont succeed, Take the ACTS” :)</p>

<p>I thought it was pretty easy. But my highest PSAT CR score was 75 (other one was 72).</p>

<p>i got 80 on the CR PSAT with nothing wrong, and thought THAT was pretty easy. This CR, was pretty hard to me. So, im hoping for a good curve.</p>

<p>much easier than the first time i did it. but I guess all test takers doing SAT a second time feel the same, yes? :-/</p>

<p>yeah, i got 2 wrong and a 77 on psat cr. i missed two vocab, VOCAB, on this! i’m an idiot. but, yeah, the passages were nowhere near as easy as the ones on the psat or any of the practice tests i’ve done. </p>

<p>not horrible, but usually cr’s a breeze.</p>

<p>and it probably didn’t help that i forgot to answer four questions until the literal last minute…</p>

<p>i thought it was cake at 1st and now i discovered i got 5 wrong after reading the entire CR forum… hopefully i didnt get anymore wrong… 5 wrong = 740???</p>