Anyone else frantically applying to colleges now?

<p>I know its late, most application dates are over and I have applied to 4 schools already. However, doubt has set in and I find myself scrambling to apply to schools whose applications are still open. </p>

<p>I'm looking at the schools in Colleges that Change Lives and applying to so many of the schools there! The admit rate may be about 50-60% but I keep thinking what if I'm the small percentage that gets rejected.</p>

<p>What does not help is that my school does not use GPA, so I have no idea where I stand in this admission process. Not to mention that I graduated last December and its been freaking hard to find a job nowadays. So all I do is think about college applications late at night.</p>

<p>Just wondering if there are any other panicking applicants out there too!</p>

<p>haha Im totally in the same boat. I had applied all RD to 5 schools but none of them are rolling so I won’t hear back until a month or so. :frowning: I applied to 3 rolling schools yesterday just incase!</p>