Anyone else going nuts waiting?

<p>The sllence is deafening, doubts start to creep in, wonder if they have my correct email, etc, etc. It can't be only me.</p>

<p>No…not only you. My son visits the mail box looking for news quite often these days. I didn’t think he knew where the mail box was before (ha!). Luckily, he has a few good options that he has already herd from but VT is his number one pick. I think it is funny because I almost had to twist his arm to visit at first. He thought VT was too large.</p>

<p>OMG! You are definitely not the only one, I am so nervous I’m like peeing my pants. Tech is def my #1. Friday can’t get here soon enough</p>

<p>Spring break starts this week for our kids, and it will either be a happy one or a not so happy one depending on the results.</p>

<p>Last year, emails were sent out to applicants to tell that them a decision has been made and to check their application account. So, it doesn’t really matter if they have the correct email. Just check your account this Friday after 5:00pm</p>

<p>I am soooo nervous!!! :/</p>

<p>hey guys, i too have been freakin out!! lol, the school of engineering is definitely my first choice and i heard yesterday that they do them in batches like jmu is doing. So apparently they start today and send out a bunch in the mail and update all those online then they do a bunch more tomorrow and so on but no one seems to have gotten any today so it might just be all tomorrow and or all friday. I think we should all know friday around 5 or so…im so anxious!! good luck to you all!</p>