<p>I applied Early Decision and I feel a little bit disappointed about being waitlisted. But well I guess I can't do anything about it until the end of March when I hear from Emory >.< More importantly I want to know whether I should still send in the IDOC documents by March 1st? My dad hasn't received all the 2012 tax documents he needs yet, and now I am worrying that I might not be able to send them all in by the deadline. Anyone else got this problem? Also, had anyone here been actually on the waitlist before and got admission afterwards? Mind to share your story/SAT score? (I got a 1950 and a 3.9 GPA)</p>
<p>Applicants do get in off the wait list, so keep playing to win!</p>
<p>If you have a deadline issue, call Admissions and explain it to them.</p>
<p>even i got wailisted it feels pathetic. I really think it was my SAT score that messed me up
I got 1890. Our school doesnt have the GPA system but I have 3 A+s 1 A 1 A- and a B. I have also done SAT 2 world hist and got a 720 & bio 630
Loads of community service and extra curriculars like debates elo and drama. Secretary of school clubs and part of student government</p>
<p>My daughter applied RD last year; got waitlisted; eventually got off the WL and is now a freshman at Emory. Her GPA was 3.67; SATs (if I take the best of each of one) was 2080. She did a ton of EC’s with leadership and APs.</p>
<p>I would definitely keep sending in the financial aid info they request. Also find out who your admissions person is. Call Admissions – there is a specific person in Admissions you should write to and express your continued interest. Also, you will get an email (if you haven’t already) asking if you want to be on the WL and for how long. You also have the option I believe to say you want your application to be considered for Oxford College.</p>
<p>It’s tough getting this response, but at least they didn’t say no!</p>
<p>Chazsf and Classof2015 thanks for the advice and encouragement! I just got the materials today and I will try to send them in as soon as possible!</p>
<p>ahv123 I know how you feel…I was disappointed too at the beginning, but then knowing that at least I am being considered for admission makes me feel better. I mean, at least we still have a chance-it’s a lot better than getting rejected! I hope that they would weigh my essays into consideration too D: Extra curricular activities and community involvement do help. Let’s hope that us “waitlisters” will get in!</p>
<p>yeah thank you all for your kind replies. @peutere where else have you applied?
@ class of 2015 by when did you know that your daughter was off the WL ?</p>
<p>re ahv123: I applied to Emory, UGA, and Georgia State and yesterday I just got a notification from UGA saying that I am accepted! YAY! now at least I will have somewhere to go to if all fails XD What about you? I applied early action to GSU in late October, and I still haven’t heard anything from them yet! And I am supposed to receive a notification before Jan 31st. Even my friend who applied regular got a notification 3 days ago=__=</p>
<p>peutetre – let me assume you speak French from your screen name and let me say: C’est marveilleux! UGA is a great school! Way to go!</p>
<p>ahv123: she got in April 28. She filled out the form saying she wanted to stay on the WL til Aug 2011 and that she would allow her app to be converted to Oxford. She was also WL at: Wm & Mary (regular and special programme with St Andrews); Connecticut College & Trinity Clg (both of whom in my opinion were stupid not to take her outright because she’d be there right now).</p>
<p>She was accepted at Oxford. She and I went down for accepted students day at Oxford, but Delta bumped us from our flight and we arrived in Atlanta after the event had ended.</p>
<p>And they’d lost her luggage, so (since this was her first time visiting the school – so much for showing interest) we spent most of the time driving around greater Atlanta recreating the contents of her suitcase. </p>
<p>Here’s how it goes with getting off the WL: you get a call. A phone call. So make sure whatever # you list on your response form is a number you have with you on a phone that is on, charged, ready to go (not your home # or your mom’s #, etc.) The call will come from a 404 area code. And they will say: are you still interested in Emory and getting off the waitlist? Your answer must be YES! If I’m accepted off the WL I will go to Emory! Not: you know, now I’m not so sure – I was really thinking I should see it again. There are so many other schools out there…and I’m waiting to hear from (XYZ) school…</p>
<p>The whole college thing is an ugly process. Good luck to you both.</p>
<p>apparently, the expression is: “c’est merveilleux!” which reveals 2 things – I can’t speak French, and peutetre is either too busy or too polite to say anything :)</p>
<p>Class of 2015–Non non! lol I don’t speak french I just take french in my school~haha I just registered the other day and I have a habit of choosing random unique screen names, so I just picked peutetre! UGA is a good school, and it has the competitive academic atmosphere–the only thing I don’t like about it is just the city. It’s not that I don’t like Athens, but I would like to live in a more dynamic, metropolitan city–like Atlanta. I don’t know anyone or any place in Athens. Also I don’t think I will ever enjoy drinking or partying so I don’t think I will enjoy Athens a lot. My brother goes to GSU(which is in Atlanta), so things would be easier for me if we live in the same city. We might actually be able to live together in an apartment. GSU is located in the right city and is so much cheaper, but I kinda not like the not-as-competitive learning environment. If I could get into the honor program then GSU would certainly be a very good choice. So pretty much now I am really unsure of where I will be 5 months later, cause I have no idea at all which college I will pick. Thanks for the encouragement, knowing that your daughter got in after being in the waitlist makes me not lose all hope of getting into Emory yet ;D</p>
<p>I was also waitlisted:(</p>
<p>waitlisted for Emory I completed the online form saying I would like to stay on the waitlist and I accepted the offer to be considered for Oxford as well</p>
<p>Good luck bballgirlamber, collegeapp123, peutetre, ahv123 – I hope you all get off the waitlist. It’s a horrible limbo to be in – stay positive. Fingers crossed.</p>
<p>How did you complete the form to stay on the waitlist?</p>
<p>Classof2015- Thanks!!
Collegeapp123- Yeah, I want to know too—cause I thought the online notification letter says that we will be asked at the end of March??</p>
<p>I got waitlisted also. 2140 on SAT and 3.9 gpa. Upset that I got waitlisted. Any advice?</p>
<p>Take a place on the waitlist. Keep showing interest. Also tell them about any recent accomplishments.</p>
<p>bballgirlamber - there is an online form? I thought you just get an email at the end of March. Do all of you plan on going to Emory if taken off the waitlist? I’m still weighing my options at Michigan, Wisconsin-Madison, etc.</p>
<p>yeah I think we get an email at the end of March. I’m weighing my other options also… How are you guys showing more interest at this point though?</p>
<p>wow I can’t believe a person with a 2140 would be put on the waitlist too…It seems like they have a really high level of new students this year(or every year).I have a 3.9 GPA but my SAT score is 1950, so I guess you are on top of me on the “list” :O</p>
<p>And about the recent accomplishment bit…Wouldn’t it be kinda awkard to just send the admission telling them my one accomplishment? I’d think a busy admission office like them wouldn’t want us to bother them like that? Idk /~</p>