Anyone else have pesky 7th graders taking the test in his/her room?

<p>Geez the room was filled with them. There was this one 7th grader to my right who quite mid section and decided to tap his pencil. I was trying to concentrate on the passages, but then I was like S-T-F-U kid or I'm gonna kick your a$$!!.</p>

<p>Anyone else have them pesky kids?</p>

my room was filled with snoring people. :P</p>

<p>Haha…everytime I see those people, I’m like dude your constricting your future man.</p>

<p>yeah, but he would look at me like i’m an overachiever.</p>

<p>i had a guy who stretched his legs toward me and fidgetted and tapped his damn leg the whole damn 4 hours right
GRRR, so i spent the whole test seeing some motion in my peripheral vision</p>

<p>Haha, the guy sitting in front of me made my whole desk shake the entire time…</p>

<p>I didn’t even know 7th graders took the SAT 0.o I thought those little kids at my school were on a field trip.</p>

“look here kids, this is where you will spend about 4 of your Saturdays trying to get a decent score on the SAT so you can get into a good college.”</p>

<p>I love my testing center. They separate the 7th / 8th graders and put them into a tiny classroom, while the high school kids who’re testing get put into a big gym.</p>

<p>we were crammed like cows in a pen. seriously I couldn’t move without almost touching someone</p>

<p>At my school the 7th graders are separated into their own rooms and all of the high schoolers are separated into rooms of 20 people each.</p>

<p>Dude our room was so freaken hot with the door closed, no A/C, and closed windows that I thought I was going to pass out…</p>

<p>i wish! Then I could have cheated off of them!</p>

<p>XD, there was the hottest girl in front of me</p>

<p>Yes. There were 15 7 graders and me. It was kind of awkward. All their parents were like “don’t you know this room is 7th grader’s only?”. I was there because of a test change though</p>

<p>i was one of those pesky 7th graders! well, 5 years ago… ah, memories.</p>

<p>^ I remember being one of the seventh graders.</p>

<p>They split us (seventh graders) from the high school students when I took it.</p>

<p>When I took it (where it actually counts) on Dec 6, there were only a couple of seventh graders, and they didn’t do anything too annoying, but that could have just been because half the people in my room looked as if they could beat them up in two minutes. Ah, the joys of living in SC.</p>

<p>Nope, they get put in a separate room.</p>

<p>They put them in a separate room.
But there was this senior in my room who made comments about everything…</p>

<p>those 7th and 8th graders
are probably those who want
to apply for johns hopkins program or something</p>