Anyone else having difficulty with the online application?

<p>My d has tried the online application in two different browsers, and in both it seems to skip from the first page to the last, and doesn’t ask all the questions that she sees in the PDF version of the application. Is this happening to anyone else?</p>

<p>I applied last night and didn’t have any issues (using Google Chrome). </p>

<p>@CE527M‌ Thanks! That’s one of the browsers she used also. Did it give you a place to enter your senior year courses? That’s one thing we see on the PDF version that did not come up in the online version.</p>

<p>@hs2015mom No, it did not. It was two pages of answering questions (typical name and address stuff, school information, demographics, and then info about potential major), and then a final page that had stuff about discipline and criminal records and the “I agree the above is true” statement. </p>

<p>Sending in transcripts takes care of classes and grades which is why the online app doesn’t ask about that.</p>

<p>Edit: I just looked at the PDF version… It’s just different than the online one, no worries! </p>

<p>@CE527M Got it - so we’re not missing a page after all. Thanks a million!</p>