Anyone else having trouble paying online?

<p>And any ideas what to do about it? </p>

<p> seems to be down -- not responding to ICMP traffic. And of course the application (and fee) is due today.</p>

<p>but the bank doesnt work on weekends
so does that mean we’re screwed?</p>

<p>i paid anyways… says “payment status: paid” but still the effective payment day is “11/17/2008”………… ambiguous…</p>

<p>No, you should be fine if you were able to submit your payment; it doesn’t matter that the bank is closed on weekends. But were you able to pay through the Common App Web site, which redirects to a Sallie Mae server when you click “Pay online”?</p>

<p>We tried all day yesterday, and once this morning, but the Sallie Mae server has been down… or maybe just unroutable from both Arizona and Florida. And of course their tech support is an 8 to 5 thing, with no phone contact at all. Pretty irritating.</p>

<p>We’ve phoned our school to seek other payment arrangements. I don’t think it will affect application status, but it’s unnerving to say the least.</p>

<p>Update… Our problem was a browser issue, probably security protocol settings or certificate problems in IE. Completed fine using Firefox. FYI for anyone who might be having the same trouble.</p>