Anyone else having trouble uploading the Common App essay?

<p>Seriously, I just finished my main essay and I've been trying to upload it for the past few minutes.</p>

<p>I always get this message: "Error uploading file. Please try again."</p>

<p>ARGH. I tried changing my .doc file to .rtf, and that didn't work either.</p>

<p>Help? ):</p>


<p>Does anyone know what to do?</p>

<p>same problem… freaking out!!!</p>

<p>Thank you for contacting the Support Team.</p>

<p>We apologize for the inconvenience you are experiencing and appreciate your patience. Please try to upload your document again in about 1 hour. </p>

<p>Again, thank you for contacting us; please do so again if you need additional assistance with this incident.</p>

The Support Team</p>

<p>works now!
i uploaded around 5:30</p>

<p>Phew, yeah, it’s ok now.</p>

<p>ughh it’s 6:14 and Common app keeps saying “Error Uploading Document”.</p>

<p>shoot me.</p>

<p>ughh it’s 6:14 and Common app keeps saying “Error Uploading Document”.</p>

<p>shoot me.</p>

<p>Eep, I hope I’ll be able to submit my supplements to Northwestern and JHU without any problems…</p>

<p>Because right now, I’m still working on them. Better speed up!</p>

<p>hahaha so am I XD</p>