<p>DISCLAIMER: YES, I know the best test prep is in the collegeboard.com book. We already have it and Son is using it. </p>
<p>Son is taking the US History subject test on Dec 6. He has the official College Board study guide. It contains 2 practice tests. We want more practice tests. </p>
<p>I found that sparknotes.com sells some on-line practice tests. That's fine. That's just what we want to supplement the official College Board study guide. Quick, auto-scored, answers explained. </p>
<p>But, here's the thing - the sparknotes website is a piece of %$#@. I have tried every which way to download the CBT application, but it crashes. I've tried...</p>
<p>IE 7 on XP
IE 7 on Vista
Mozilla Firefox
<p>It keeps saying I need to accept cookies. I DO accept cookies. I LOVE cookies. I use them everyday. But no matter what I do, it won't even let me complete the purchase, much less access the tests.</p>
<p>Anyone else have this problem? </p>
<p>Does anyone know of other online, self-study, US History prep for the SAT II? </p>
<p>Oh, nevermind. </p>
<p>I found another book at collegeboard.com. This one is the study guide to ALL SAT subject tests. (Our first book is just the guide for history tests.)</p>
<p>I sure hope College Board means it when they say the “ALL” book includes never-before-published tests. </p>
<p>No, wait, no. That’s not the one you want.</p>
<p>I made that mistake. The test in the “ALL SAT Subject Tests” is actually one of the two in the History prep book.</p>
<p>I bought Kaplan’s review book and it was awesome (I am an intl, so I spent two weeks learning the material from scratch - predicting 720-800). It also contained several practice tests.</p>
<p>I also have the same problems w/ SparkNotes. I gave them up. The really stupid thing about their site is that it doesn’t look like they maintain it at all - and when people go and buy their freakin’ tests, you can only take them once. And the Math Level 2 section is horrible, it only records part of your answers, and mixes up the explanations completely.</p>
<p>Oh, crud. Too late now. I thought “never-before-published” sounded too good to be true.</p>
<p>^ Don’t worry I did too!!</p>
<p>However, I DO recommend Kaplan’s for USHIstory SAT II. I never thought Kaplans would be so good but after the AP exam I didn’t feel like I knew the information well enough so I finally opened my Kaplans book and reviewed it. Some of the stuff in there that wasn’t in my REA prep book for the AP exam actually showed up on the SAT II!! Just reviewing kaplans and doing some practice problems the week of the test got me a 800!! Only got a 4 on the AP exam though…</p>